CHN: Advocates Oppose Repeal of Medicaid Access Monitoring Rule
The Trump Administration recently proposed a rule that would rescind an important Obama Administration Medicaid regulation. The Medicaid Access Monitoring Rule ensures providers are paid sufficiently under Medicaid to ensure that enough participate in the program to give beneficiaries access to covered services. Advocates believe that a rescission of the Access Monitoring Rule with no meaningful replacement could have a negative impact on access to care and a disproportionate impact on people of color, who make up approximately 60 percent of Medicaid enrollees and who are already less likely to have access to a usual source of care. Access to needed services is essential for children and adults who are enrolled in Medicaid. The Georgetown University Center for Children and Families noted that by repealing the Access Rule, this proposed rule would harm more than 2.5 million Medicaid children whose providers are paid on a fee-for-service basis. CHN joined a sign-on comment circulated by Families USA urging the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to withdraw its proposed rule.