Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution says: “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.”
The President of the United States does not have unlimited authority to decline congressional appropriations and decide what gets funded and by how much depending on his whims and which political adversaries he wants to punish.
By hijacking congressionally appropriated funds, Donald Trump and Elon Musk (and his unqualified, unscreened team) are yanking funding from people and programs in our communities―which will have a real impact on many of our neighbors as they face frozen funding for critical human needs programs that people rely on to survive.
Congress must stand up to stop this lawless power grab.
You can view a recording of CHN’s training webinar here. Please also see the slides here,
The Census Bureau will release new poverty, income and health insurance data on September 13-15. This data will cover the pandemic year of 2021, a year in which COVID cases surged early, plunged and then rose again by year’s end. How did people fare, and what differences were there by age, race/ethnicity, and income? Did the Child Tax Credit and other pandemic aid help? And while the survey data to be released in September only covers 2021, what other data is available to tell us about what is happening now?
This webinar will show you how to find and use the 2021 national, state and local data to be released in September, how to make use of other and newer data showing changes in poverty by month, and how many were unable to afford enough food or struggled to pay regular expenses through August of this year. You’ll learn how to navigate changes in the Census Bureau’s website and tools.
You’ll get an expert economic assessment about where we are now, and learn how to use all the available information – some specific to your state or locality – to make the case for investments to reduce racial disparities and to help people with low incomes get ahead.
The webinar will be recorded; all registrants will get the live link, with opportunities to ask questions, and will also get the recording, slides, and follow-up resources.
The webinar will be close-captioned.
You can view a recording of CHN’s training webinar here. Please also see the slides here,