YWCA Stand Against Racism: Addressing Racism as a Public Health Crisis

From our friends at the YWCA: YWCA USA’s 15th annual Stand Against Racism campaign will take place April 22 – 25, 2021. We invite YWCAs and allied groups to focus their events and organizing on the myriad of racial justice issues that impact the health and safety of communities of...

YWCA Stand Against Racism Virtual Town Hall

From our friends at the YWCA: Public health is — and always has been — central to racial justice work. In this virtual town hall event, Addressing Racism as a Public Health Crisis on Thursday, April 22 at 3 pm ET,  YWCA USA will convene a panel of trailblazers who have been central to declaring...

CHN’s 18th Annual Human Needs Hero Reception: July 7th

All of Us:  Honoring forty years of the Coalition on Human Needs   Our second ever (and hopefully last!) virtual Human Needs Hero celebration will be held on Zoom this year! Every year, the Coalition on Human Needs gathers advocates, from neophytes to veterans with decades of experience, to celebrate...

CHN’s Human Needs Hero Reception: July 24, 2024

AFL-CIO 815 16th St NW, Washington, DC, United States

  JOIN US FOR A NIGHT OF INSPIRATION AND CELEBRATION Join us at the AFL-CIO's Solidarity Room in Washington, DC on Wednesday, July 24 for the Coalition on Human Need's Human Needs Hero Reception, honoring Ellen Nissenbaum, Senior Advisor, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for her outstanding contributions.  ...