Poverty, Income, Health, and Work: What Can We Learn From the New Census Data?

Unemployment is down, but workers' pay is losing ground. Did low-income people make gains in 2017? What is helping; what's standing in the way? CHN held its 2018 annual Census webinar to prep you for the new data that came out on September 12-13. In this webinar, you'll get the...

Census 2020: Why getting it right matters (a lot!)

Census 2020: Why getting it right matters (a lot!) Wednesday, January 23rd 3 P.M. Eastern, 2 P.M. Central, 1 P.M. Mountain, 12 P.M. Pacific Click Here to Register Today With 2019 now upon us, the 2020 Census is right around the corner. Join the Coalition on Human Needs and the...

Webinar: Why We Should Oppose Repealing Payday and Other Loan Protections

Join the Coalition on Human Needs and Americans for Financial Reform for a webinar that will tell you all about rules that protect consumers from payday loans and other forms of predatory financing-and how the Trump administration is trying to repeal those protections. And you’ll learn how to slow down...

The New Trump Budget: Why it Really Matters

President Trump’s latest budget proposal is out. And it’s every bit as bad as we feared. Recently, President Trump asked a crowd of his donors: “Who the hell cares about the budget?” We do, and we think you should too.  Why?  If the new one is similar to his past...

Webinar: Get Out the Vote: Opportunities to Mobilize People

Event description coming soon. This webinar is hosted by the Coalition on Human Needs, Food Research & Action Center, National Low Income Housing Coalition, and NETWORK. It is the first in a series of webinars for 501(c)(3) organizations on permissible election-related activities. Register here.