Strategies to Stop SNAP Proposals that Take Away Food Assistance from Millions

You can view an archive of this recording here. Tuesday, April 24, 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time SNAP, the nation's most effective anti-hunger program, is under attack in the 2018 Farm Bill that's moving through the House right now, possibly reaching the House floor as early as the week...

The Trump Budget: What You Need to Know 2018

An archived version of this webinar is available here. Webinar:  Wednesday, February 14, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. ET co-sponsored by the Coalition on Human Needs, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Center for American Progress, and the Food Research & Action Center. President Trump's budget proposal for next year will be...

Using the New Poverty, Income, and Health Insurance Data: A Practical Guide

An archived version of the webinar is available here. On September 12 and 14, the Census Bureau will release its annual poverty, income and health insurance survey data. Don’t miss CHN’s handy preview to show you how to use the local, state, and national findings. You’ll get brilliant predictions and...

The 2020 Census: Why Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Count Matters

An archive of this webinar is available here. This webinar co-sponsored by the Coalition on Human Needs, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the Children's Leadership Council, and the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality. The 2020 Census may seem like a long time away, but decisions are...

Trump’s Plans to Cut Human Needs Programs

An archive of this webinar is available here. President Trump has announced plans to cut domestic programs to pay for Pentagon increases. Learn about the expected impact on housing, services for children, seniors and people with disabilities, nutrition, public health, and more. This is the first step in a long...

The New Congress: How It Plans to Cut And How to Fight Back

An archive of this webinar is available here. The Affordable Care Act. Medicaid. Medicare. SNAP. SSI.  Tax rates for the wealthy and corporations. The new Congress wants to repeal, restrict and/or cut all of these.  How will they use their rules to try to carry all this out?  And how...

Poverty Data Webinar 2016

An archive of this webinar is available here. Would you like to know … whether poverty is growing or declining in your state? how to use state and local data about income by race, age, or gender? how to get the new Census Bureau poverty, income and health insurance data?...

Child Lead Poisoning: Preventable Harm

An archive of this webinar is available here. Child Lead Poisoning: Preventable Harm A Webinar co-sponsored by the Coalition on Human Needs, First Focus, Children's Leadership Council, Partnership for America's Children, MomsRising, and the National Head Start Association Tuesday, May 3, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET The lead poisoning...

$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America

An archive of this webinar is available here. A special webinar with authors Kathryn Edin and Luke Shaefer, whose book $2 a Day describes in depth the lives of families living in extreme poverty in America.  $2.00 a Day has been included in theNew York Times Book Review list of 100 Notable Books of 2015.  When he reviewed the...

Using the New Poverty Data

An archive of this webinar is available here. Using the New Poverty Data Wednesday, September 9, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Eastern time The annual Census Bureau data about poverty, income, and health insurance will be released on September 16 and 17.  There is increasing recognition that poverty is stubborn,...