Webinar: Get Out the Vote: Opportunities to Mobilize People

Event description coming soon. This webinar is hosted by the Coalition on Human Needs, Food Research & Action Center, National Low Income Housing Coalition, and NETWORK. It is the first in a series of webinars for 501(c)(3) organizations on permissible election-related activities. Register here.

CHN’s 17th Annual Human Needs Hero Reception

Thank you so much to everyone who helped make our 17th Human Needs Hero event such a success! Did you miss the sponsorship deadline but would still like to support? Please contact Nicolai Haddal at nhaddal@chn.org Honoring: Census Counts, Count All Kids, and Protecting Immigrant Families! Our first ever virtual...

2020 National Conference on Safe Housing

Crystal Gateway Marriott 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA

Join a national network of service providers, advocates, grassroots organizations, and leaders from coast to coast for the first national conference addressing the housing needs of domestic violence/sexual assault survivors, communities of color, and marginalized populations! Conference attendees will explore best practices, evidence-based approaches, and innovative safe housing solutions. Participants...

National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference

The National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference, co-sponsored by the Food Research & Action Center and Feeding America, and in cooperation with the National CACFP Forum, draws anti-hunger and anti-poverty advocates; federal, state and local government officials; child advocates; representatives of food banks and food rescue organizations; sponsoring organizations and nutrition and anti-obesity groups. Members...

YWCA Stand Against Racism: Addressing Racism as a Public Health Crisis

From our friends at the YWCA: YWCA USA’s 15th annual Stand Against Racism campaign will take place April 22 – 25, 2021. We invite YWCAs and allied groups to focus their events and organizing on the myriad of racial justice issues that impact the health and safety of communities of...