National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference

The National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference, co-sponsored by the Food Research & Action Center and Feeding America, and in cooperation with the National CACFP Forum, draws anti-hunger and anti-poverty advocates; federal, state and local government officials; child advocates; representatives of food banks and food rescue organizations; sponsoring organizations and nutrition and anti-obesity groups. Members...

YWCA Stand Against Racism: Addressing Racism as a Public Health Crisis

From our friends at the YWCA: YWCA USA’s 15th annual Stand Against Racism campaign will take place April 22 – 25, 2021. We invite YWCAs and allied groups to focus their events and organizing on the myriad of racial justice issues that impact the health and safety of communities of...

YWCA Stand Against Racism Virtual Town Hall

From our friends at the YWCA: Public health is — and always has been — central to racial justice work. In this virtual town hall event, Addressing Racism as a Public Health Crisis on Thursday, April 22 at 3 pm ET,  YWCA USA will convene a panel of trailblazers who have been central to declaring...

Poor People’s Campaign: National Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers Assembly

On Monday, June 21st, poor people, low-wage workers, moral and faith leaders, advocates and our growing coalition of supporters will gather online simultaneously with a (socially-distant) rally in Raleigh, North Carolina for a National Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers Assembly. The Coalition on Human Needs is proud to support and...

Making August Recess Count: Building Support for Federal Recovery Legislation to Advance Racial Equity

View a recording of this webinar here. See the slides here. The Biden Administration's proposed American Jobs and American Families Plans provide unprecedented opportunities to address deep-seated racial inequities in education, employment, health, housing, and income. With this Administration and Congress, we have a very real chance of advancing once-in-a-lifetime...

Poverty and Hardship – Then and Now

Watch this webinar here. Slides available at this link here. Every year, CHN provides training on what to expect from the Census Bureau’s annual poverty, income, and health insurance data, and how to find and use the data online. But the pandemic and the ensuing economic shutdown has complicated the data...