FRAC: June 2019 Breakfast Matters Webinar

Community Eligibility Adoption Deadline is Quickly Approaching: Get Your Questions Answered Here Community eligibility is a huge success, reducing paperwork for schools and increasing school breakfast and lunch participation. School districts that are still on fence on whether to adopt for the 2019-2020 school year will need to decide by...

Americans for Democratic Action: Honoring America’s Federal Workers and other Champions

Washington Court Hotel 525 New Jersey Aenue Northwest, Washington, DC

Tuesday, June 18th at the Washington Court Hotel in Washington, DC Reception begins at 6:00 PM, followed by awards ceremony. Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) has the distinct honor of celebrating progressive leaders for over 70 years at our annual awards reception.  It has been our privilege to honor liberal...

Friday Advocates Meeting

CHN’s regular Friday Advocates Meetings are off-the-record. Thank you for not quoting speakers in materials you send to your networks. If you would like to attend a FAM, please contact Joe Battistelli:

Institute for Policy Studies: “Taxing the (Very) Rich: Finding the Cure for Excessive Wealth Disorder”

Mayflower Hotel 1127 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

Any serious policy agenda geared towards combating inequality and raising living standards for the vast majority must look to ultra-high earners in the top 0.1 percent, who wield disproportionate economic and political power. The Economic Policy Institute and the Institute for Policy Studies invite you to attend a day-long conference...

Friday Advocates Meeting

CHN’s regular Friday Advocates Meetings are off-the-record. Thank you for not quoting speakers in materials you send to your networks. If you would like to attend a FAM, please contact Joe Battistelli:

National Alliance to End Homelessness: 2019 National Conference on Ending Homelessness and Capitol Hill Day

Washington Marriott Wardman Park 2660 Woodley Rd. NW, Washington, DC, United States

The 2019 National Conference on Ending Homelessness and Capitol Hill Day is the nation’s largest convening of service providers, leaders, advocates, and consumers working to end homelessness in the United States. This year’s July conference will feature dedicated tracks focused on families and youth experiencing homelessness, updated content on chronic homelessness, veterans, single...

Friday Advocates Meeting

CHN’s regular Friday Advocates Meetings are off-the-record. Thank you for not quoting speakers in materials you send to your networks. If you would like to attend a FAM, please contact Joe Battistelli:

CHN’s 16th Annual Human Needs Hero Reception

AFL-CIO 815 16th St NW, Washington, DC, United States

Honoring: Marian Wright Edelman and Peter Edelman Every year, the Coalition on Human Needs gathers advocates, from neophytes to veterans with decades of experience, to celebrate our community’s steadfast commitment to standing up for the most vulnerable in our society. And there is much to celebrate: We’ve stood up against...

Friday Advocates Meeting

CHN’s regular Friday Advocates Meetings are off-the-record. Thank you for not quoting speakers in materials you send to your networks. If you would like to attend a FAM, please contact Joe Battistelli:

EITC/CTC Call-in Day of Action

Right now, Congress is looking to add bipartisan tax legislation to the end-of-year budget package. It is imperative that if there is any tax legislation helping businesses and the rich that we also do what we can to help low-wage workers. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child...

Economic Policy Institute: The Future of Work and Care

Economic Policy Institute 1225 I Street NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC, United States

The National Academy of Social Insurance, with support from Caring Across Generations and the Ford Foundation, recently released a groundbreaking report on Designing Universal Family Care: State-Based Social Insurance Programs for Early Child Care and Education, Paid Family and Medical Leave, and Long-Term Services and Supports. The report explores strategies that...