FY 2020 Budget & Appropriations

March 11, 2019

FY 2020 Budget & Appropriations

Click here to see a CHN analysis of human needs funding cuts since 2010, the year before budget caps were enacted under the Budget Control Act.

Click here to see a letter to Congress from 550 organizations seeking fair funding for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education in FY 2020.

President Trump’s Proposed 2020 Budget

Click here to stream a captioned recording of CHN’s webinar The Trump Budget: What You Need To Know. You can get a PDF copy of the slides by pressing the ‘Resources’ tab at the top left of the page.

Click here to download Trump’s budget proposal.

Read CHN Executive Director Deborah Weinstein’s statement on Trump’s proposal


CHN, March 15, 2019: Who will the Trump budget hurt?
CBPP, March 12, 2019: Trump budget non-defense discretionary cuts almost twice as big as the budget says
Network Lobby, March 12, 2019: Catholic justice social lobby condemn Trump’s scorched-earth roadmap
ATF, March 11, 2019: Trump budget “a testament to broken promises, cruelty and failed economic policies”
CAP, March 11, 2019: The President’s budget proposal embodies Trump’s broken “populist” promises, says CAP President and CEO Neera Tanden
CAP, March 11,2019: Trump’s FY 2020 budget exposes his false promises and misplaced priorities
CBPP, March 11, 2009: 2020 Trump budget — a disturbing vision
CLASP, March 11, 2019: Another year, another harmful Trump budget proposal
Friends Committee on National Legislation, March 11, 2019: Congress needs to reject the president’s budget and construct a different future for our nation
ITEP, March 11, 2019: White House budget fails to acknowledge role of tax cuts in the deficit while calling for draconian spending cuts
National Partnership for Women & Families, March 11, 2019: President’s latest budget is a how-to guide for harming families
National Priorities Project, March 11, 2019: Trump’s FY2020 budget request bloats militarized spending — and slashes actual human needs
NCJW, March 19, 2019: Trump budget proposal prioritizes wealthy at expense of low income Americans
NWLC, March 11, 2019: Six reasons the Trump Administration’s budget is a disaster for women and families
NWLC, March 11, 2019: NWLC reacts to President Trump’s budget plan
Oxfam, March 11, 2019: Leading humanitarian, development, and global health organizations urge Congress to reject cuts to foreign assistance
Prosperity Now, March 11, 2019: Why President Trump’s FY2020 budget fails to live up to its vision for a better America

Food & Nutrition

CAP, March 14, 2019: Trump’s effort to cut SNAP by fiat would kill 178,000 jobs over next decade
Bread for the World, March 13, 2019: Every church would need to raise $400,000 more a year to offset proposed budget cuts
Feeding America, March 11, 2019: Statement on FY2020 Budget Proposal
FRAC, March 11, 2019: President’s FY 20 budget recycles terrible ideas that will deepen hunger and poverty in America
National WIC Association, March 11, 2019: White House unveils FY 2020 budget requests

Health Care:

ATF, March 22, 2019: Trump budget’s $235 billion tax break for big pharma, health insurers
AIDS United, March 11, 2019: Partnership to end HIV. STDs and hepatitis statement on President Trump’s FY2020 budget request
The Arc, March 11, 2019: Trump Administration’s budget request: old ideas and new cuts
Families USA, March 11, 2019: Trump’s 2020 budget: revisiting “repeal and replace” and adding new cuts to Medicare and Medicaid


NAHT, March 13, 2019: HUD tenant leaders demand Congress declare Trump’s 2020 budget “dead on arrival”
NLIHC, March 11, 2019: President & CEO Diane Yentel’s statement on the President’s harmful 2020 budget request