The Federal Budget is a moral document outlining what we as a nation choose to invest in, and these investments will affect individuals and communities across the country. The Coalition on Human Needs believes that these investments should focus on priorities that bring about shared and broad prosperity such as investing in education, health care, housing, financial security, and tax justice.
To help advocates navigate this topic and stay up to date on the latest developments, the Coalition on Human Needs has created this resource library. This library will have official documents, research and analysis, fact sheets, and actions you and your supporters can take to advocate for a responsible federal budget that invests in human needs.
With this information at your fingertips, we hope to empower advocates to develop effective messaging, and stay informed about the latest policy developments. Whether advocating for increased funding for a specific program or pushing for broader changes to the budget process, hopefully this resource library has information that you can use.
If you are looking for more state and local-specific data, please check out our State and Local Data Resource Library. And see our Trump Administration Threats – Funding Freeze and EO collection if you are looking for resources on Administration actions
Want something added to this page? Contact Leo Nguyen (
If you have question or want to know more about how you can get involved in advocating for a better budget, please contact Dominique Espinoza (
Protecting nutrition programs
- UnidosUS: The House Budget Resolution’s cuts to SNAP would be the largest in U.S. history
- CAP: How the Trump Administration Could Leave Families Hungry: Potential Cuts to SNAP in 2025 and Beyond
- Food Research & Action Center:
- Releases State-by-State Analysis on SNAP Participation, Illustrates Harm Cuts to SNAP Would Have on Children, Older Adults, Veterans, Rural Communities
- SNAP Challenge 2025: Imagine going to the grocery store and having only $6 per day to fill your cart
- More than 1,800 National, State, and Community Organizations Urge Congress to Protect, Strengthen Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- Farm Bill 2025, Action Needed: Protect SNAP From Harmful Cuts, and Replacement Benefits for SNAP Theft Victims Should Be Permanent
- CBPP: Republican SNAP Proposals Could Take Food Away From Millions of Low-Income Individuals and Families
- Commonwealth Fund: How Potential Federal Cuts to Medicaid and SNAP Could Trigger the Loss of a Million-Plus Jobs, Reduced Economic Activity, and Less State Revenue
- RESULTS Expert on Poverty Aaron Carrillo via House Democrats Steering & Policy Committee: Hearing on SNAP cuts
- Journal of the American Medical Association: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Work Requirements and Safety-Net Program Participation
- FRAC on the CHN blog: Replacement Benefits for SNAP Theft Victims Should Be Permanent
- Meals on Wheels: Possible Elimination of Social Services Block Grant puts Meals on Wheels Providers and Millions of Older Adults at Risk
- National WIC Association: Policy Brief: Federal Budget Proposals Could Threaten WIC Access
- CHN online action (please share/replicate!): Demand Congress save SNAP from extreme budget cuts
- Feeding America: Tell your lawmakers: Visit a food bank
Protecting health & Medicaid
- CLASP: Infographic: It’s A Cut To Medicaid No Matter What You Call It, Our Nation’s Health Depends on Medicaid and Racist Roots of Work Requirements (timeline)
- CBPP: Republicans in Congress Considering Harsh Medicaid Cuts That Would Shift Costs to States, Leave People Uninsured
- Center on American Progress: The Republican House Budget Resolution’s Potential $880 Billion in Medicaid Cuts by Congressional District
- UnidosUS: Medicaid Cuts Would Rip Away Health Coverage from Millions of Americans, Disproportionately Harming People of Color
- Families USA:
- Medicaid Matters: To People, Our Economy and the Health Care System
- Health Action Resources Landing Page
- Fact sheet on changing formulas for federal matching funds for Medicaid (“FMAP”)
- Fact sheet on limiting state options to raise their share of funds to cover Medicaid beneficiaries (Provider Tax)
- On the First Full Day of President Trump’s Second Term, More Than 425 Organizations Urge Him to Protect Medicaid Coverage
- First Focus: Making America Sick Again: How Medicaid Caps Will Leave Children Underinsured and Unhealthy
- National Health Care for the Homeless Council: Fact Sheet: Health Insurance at HCH Programs 2023 and Protect Medicaid – Letter to Congress
- Caring Across Generations: 10 Things to Know About Medicaid and Protect Medicaid 2025 Toolkit
- The Arc: Calling All Advocates: Medicaid Advocacy in 2025
- Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities: Protect Medicaid and Essential Programs 2025
- Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund: Hands Off Our Medicaid online resource
- Justice in Aging: Cutting Medicaid Harms Older Adults No Matter How It’s Sliced, Medicaid Work Requirements: Red Tape That Would Cut Health Coverage for Older Adults, and How Medicaid Funding Caps Would Harm Older Adults
- Justice in Aging, Medicare Rights Center, Center for Medicare Advocacy, and Community Catalyst: A Cut to Medicaid is a Cut to Medicare
- Healthy School Campaign:
- Full report: How Medicaid Cuts Will Harm Students & Schools
- Executive summary: How Medicaid Cuts Will Harm Students & Schools
- Toolkit: How Medicaid Cuts Will Harm Students & Schools
- Families USA: Medicaid Work Reporting Requirements – Bureaucratic Burdens That Threaten Working Families, Providers and Local Economies (Fact Sheet)
- CBPP: 36 Million People at Risk of Having Health Coverage Taken Away by Medicaid Work Requirements
- AFSCME: Medicaid Work Requirements Are a Medicaid Cut in Disguise
- Commonwealth Fund: How Potential Federal Cuts to Medicaid and SNAP Could Trigger the Loss of a Million-Plus Jobs, Reduced Economic Activity, and Less State Revenue
- KFF: 5 Key Facts About Medicaid Work Requirements
- Community Catalyst: Dental Access Project | Why Medicaid Matters for Oral Health
- Coalition to Promote Self-Determination: Medicaid Cuts Hurt Workforce Participation
- Medicaid in Schools Coalition: Letter from 66 organizations opposing attempts in budget reconciliation that could cap or cut Medicaid funding
- CBO: CBO’s Estimate of the Budgetary Effects of Medicaid Work Requirements
- EPI: Work requirements for Medicaid do not address the real barriers to work and risk throwing many into health insecurity and Report – Work requirements for safety net programs like SNAP and Medicaid: A punitive solution that solves no real problem
- National Health Law Program:
- KFF: Understanding the Intersection of Medicaid and Work: An Update
- Community Catalyst: The Truth about Medicaid Work Requirements: Costly, Ineffective, and Harmful and Let’s Cut To The Chase: Medicaid Work Requirements Don’t Work (video explainer)
- CAP: Medicaid Block Grants and Per Capita Caps Jeopardize State Budgets, Health Care Access, and Public Health
- Georgetown CCF: House Budget Committee Circulates New Detailed List of Budget Reconciliation Options Including Draconian Medicaid Cuts Within House Republican Caucus
- Navigator Research: Health Care and the Budget: A Guide for Advocates
- Hart Research: Key Issues in Healthcare- Where Voters Stand, presentation slides, Health Care Message Guidance (February 2025), and Protect Our Care Polling Memo
- CHN’s online action (please share/replicate!): Congress must act now to defend Medicaid, reduce health costs
- Families USA: Share Your Medicaid Experience
- Protect Our Care: The GOP War on Medicaid Packet
- NHELP: Medicaid Defense – Resources and Analysis
Protecting immigrant communities
- Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF Coalition):
- Child Tax Credit – SSN Requirements
- Medicaid FMAP Penalty for Covering Immigrants with State-Only Funds
- Public Charge in Reconciliation
- Restricting DACA Recipients from ACA Subsidies
- SNAP in Reconciliation
- Stripping Health Coverage Eligibility from Lawfully Present Immigrants
- Immigrants and Safety Net Programs in Federal Budget Reconciliation
- CBPP: Republican Budget Reconciliation Options Would Harm People Who Are Immigrants and Their Families
- NILC: Standing Up For Immigrants’ Health and Wellbeing
- NEA: National Education Association Shares Guidance as Immigration Changes Create Uncertainty
- NILC: Budget Reconciliation and Immigration Policy: Potential Areas of Impact for 2025 and Existing Restrictions on Immigrants’ Eligibility for Federal Assistance Leave Little Left to Cut
- Children Thrive Action Network: Protecting Immigrant Families Facing Deportation toolkit
- Immigration Hub: Primer – Immigration and Reconciliation\
- NILC: Standing Up For Immigrants’ Health and Wellbeing and Know Your Rights: Is It Safe to Apply for Health Insurance or Seek Health Care?
Tax justice and revenue opportunities
- ITEP: Trump and Congress’ Tax Package Likely to Worsen Racial Inequities and A Distributional Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan
- EPI: There will be pain: Continuing low tax rates for the rich and corporations will hurt working families
- ATF/Color of Change: How Tax Fairness Can Promote Racial Equity
- NWLC et al: Families Over Billionaires: Why the 2025 Fight Matters for Care and What Child Care Advocates Need to Know about the Upcoming Tax Debate
- ATF: 126 National, State, and Local Organizations Send Letter Opposing Extension of Trump Tax Scam
- ATF Action: Report Reveals Dozens of GOP House Seats with Victory Margins Lower Than Residents Who Could Be Hurt by Proposed Budget & DOGE Cuts
- ATF/AFR/PEAS: Private Equity, Public Damage
- Tax Policy Center: 17 Million Children in Low Income Families Will Not Receive the Full Child Tax Credit in 2025
- Columbia University Center on Poverty and Social Policy: Children Left Behind by the Child Tax Credit in 2023: By State and Congressional District
- CBPP: Policymakers Should Expand the Child Tax Credit for the 17 Million Children Currently Left Out of the Full Credit, includes estimates of children by state, race, and ethnicity
- CBPP: 14 Million Low-Income Adults Not Raising Children at Home Would Benefit From Permanently Expanded EITC, includes state by state numbers
- CLASP: The Earned Income Tax Credit Should be Expanded for Workers Without Children
General Budget and Appropriations resources
- CHN budget and tax toolkit for local groups (Winter 2025)
- To help local and state advocates raise their voices to protect and strengthen key nutrition, housing, early childhood, and other assistance, we’ve created this toolkit with resources to use for requesting a District (or DC) meeting with members of Congress, organizing site visits for policymakers, conversations with members of Congress and/or their staff (which you can use at a local town hall), emails to Congressional staff, getting letters published in local newspapers, and more. See our state data resource library along with our general poverty and budget libraries for additional resources.
- CHN: CHN/partner events joint calendar which includes the tentative GOP budget timeline (let us know if you have a DC-based event or public webinar you’d like us to include here!)
- NEA: Federal Education Funding for Selected Programs by State and Program
- First Focus on Children: What proposed federal budget cuts and policy changes will cost children, Making America Sick Again: How Medicaid Caps Will Leave Children Underinsured and Unhealthy, , Making America Healthy Again for Children: A Comprehensive Agenda and Path to Follow, and New York Times via First Focus: In a Shift, More Republicans Want Government Investment in Children
- CWLA: Maintain the Social Services Block Grant
- CLASP: Cuts to SSBG, TANF Would Eliminate Child Care for 40K Children, Disrupt Care for Millions More
- Child Care for Every Family Network:
- 2025 Congressional Recess Power Building Toolkit
- All polling, reports, and research on child care from approximately the last two years collected in one place
- Messaging Guide for Child Care (c3 version) (c4 version) (Child Care for Every Family Network)
- CBPP: President Trump, Congressional Republican Proposals Would Shift Large Costs to States, Inflict Widespread Harm, includes FY 2024 State Expenditures, by Source, in millions with percentage of federal funds as a total by state
- CBPP: Federal Policy Debates in 2025 Carry High Stakes, Much at Stake for People and Communities in Looming Federal Policy Debates, and Taking Away People’s Health Coverage and Food Assistance Will Increase Hardship, Not Employment
- Yale Budget Lab: Illustrative Distributional Effects of Policies Consistent with the House Concurrent Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2025
- Groundwork: Polling: Republican Plan to Gut Vital Programs, Shower Ultra-Wealthy With Tax Breaks is Unpopular With Voters
- CHN: Our Path Forward: Advocates nationwide join in CHN’s webinar on how to protect people despite threats from the new Administration and Congress and December 12 webinar recording: Budget Rules in the New Congress
- CAP: How Does Budget Reconciliation Work?
- Indivisible, the CPC Center, and NWLC: The Basics of Budget Reconciliation
- Public Citizen: After Agency Slashings, Lawmakers Oppose Steep Pentagon Spending Hike Paid For By Human Needs Cuts, see video: Senator Markey Hosts Press Conference on Cuts to Essential Services Despite Bloated Pentagon Budget
- National Priorities Project: Senate Republicans Would Increase Spending for Pentagon and Deportations at the Expense of Solving Our Worst Problems
- House of Representatives: Con.Res.14 – Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2025 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2026 through 2034
- CHN: House Budget Proposal Hurts Millions of People to Pay for Still More Breaks for the Rich
- CBPP: House Republican Budget Would Mean Higher Costs, Less Help for Families, More Tax Windfalls for Wealthy, House Budget Resolution – CBPP Graphics – Dropbox, Ty Cox Jones thread about Chair Arrington’s budget resolution seeking deep cuts to SNAP, and Chuck Marr thread about how paying for tax cuts for rich people
- Families USA: Families USA Statement on House Republicans’ Budget Resolution Signaling their Intent for Major Medicaid Cuts/
- Peoples Action: Make Billionaires Pay (Taxes)
- Senate Budget Committee: Hearings (includes video/streams of budget markup)
Other related resources
- Congressional Research Service: Appropriations Status Table
- House Committee on Appropriations Democrats: Significant Problems with Full-Year Continuing Resolutions
- CHN: Budget and tax toolkit for local groups (Winter 2025)
- CHN Jan. 7 webinar recording: Our Path Forward: Practical ways to protect people from harm despite threats from the new Administration and Congress
- CHN: Selected FY25 House-Senate Approps table
- CBPP: House Republican Bills Deeply Cut Programs That Help Low-Income People and Underserved Communities
- CHN: Human needs advocates gather in U.S. Capitol to oppose House spending cuts
- CHN et al: Letter to Oppose Deeper House Cuts in Domestic and International Appropriations
- CHN: Don’t cut the programs that meet our needs, about the letter from 1,106 organizations in support non-defense discretionary funding
- Video of July 23 event hosted by Rosa DeLauro featuring CHN’s Deborah Weinstein
- First Focus on Children: Children’s Budget Book 2024 and Child Development Research Hub
- FCNL: FY25 People’s Unfunded Priorities List
- Child Welfare League of America: Budget Chart Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2025
- CBPP: To Better Meet Record Levels of Need, Keep Families Housed, Congress Must Increase 2025 Funding for Housing Assistance and Rising Homelessness Highlights Need to Invest in Proven Solutions, Reject Policies That Worsen Homelessness and Housing Instability
- NLIHC: updated FY25 Budget Chart for Selected Federal Housing Programs budget chart
- NWLC and NLIHC: Housing is Foundational to the Lives of Women, LGBTQIA+ People, and Families
- SchoolHouse Connection: Federal Programs Benefiting Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Appropriations Chart
- NCOA: Fiscal Year 2025 Aging Services Funding: Sharp Contrast Between Senate and House Proposals
- CAP: Understanding the Basics of Child Care in the United States
- Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: Leadership Conference Sign-on Letter on CJS Funding for FY25
- NNEDV: Urge Congress to Support the Crime Victims Fund Stabilization Act (VOCA)
- Reentry Working Group: Reentry Working Group Appropriations Chart