House Budget Proposal Hurts Millions of People to Pay for Still More Breaks for the Rich
February 17, 2025
House Budget Proposal Hurts Millions of People to Pay for Still More Breaks for the Rich
February 17, 2025
Drug overdose dilemmas: Fewer fatalities — but more total overdoses and racial disparities
Don Mathis,
June 10, 2024
In May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the number of fatal drug overdoses in 2023 showed a 3 percent decrease from 2022, from 111,029 to 107,543. That 3,486 fewer people died from overdoses is good news. But how good? Is this single statistic a sign of widespread success in our national efforts to reverse and reduce our drug epidemic? A recent New York Times article asked "Has fentanyl peaked?" Has it? Are there fewer fatal overdoses because people with substance use disorder are using less?
The Census counts everyone. So why shouldn’t everyone be counted?
CHN Staff,
June 10, 2024
Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau seeks to count every person living in the United States. The census counts adults and children; voters, people not registered to vote, and people who cannot vote; people of all races, genders, and religions; rich people and poor people; and people living in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., U.S. territories, and on American Indian reservations. And it counts everyone residing in the United States (which excludes people visiting from other countries for tourism or business trips), whether or not they are U.S. citizens.
CHN’s Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship, June 3, 2024
CHN Staff,
June 3, 2024
The tax scam edition. In 2025, a massive debate over taxes will be upon us. The outcome of the debate will determine whether the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations will pay their fair share – and whether our federal government will have the resources it needs to fund programs that address crucial human needs.
Advocates hail Biden Administration decision to expand and make IRS Direct File permanent
David Elliot,
May 31, 2024
The IRS announced this week that it will both make permanent and expand Direct File, which this year for the first time enabled 140,000 filers in 12 pilot states to file their taxes quickly, easily, and, most important, for free. The announcement stated that all 50 states plus Washington D.C. will be invited to participate in the program.
I got help. Now I give back. That’s how a healthy society should work.
CHN Staff,
May 31, 2024
Life is unpredictable. And sometimes, no matter how hard you work, life throws curve balls that hit you in the gut. That’s what our tax dollars are supposed to be for — a helping hand when we’re most in need. More than once in my life, the social safety net came through for my family. And thanks to that help, we’re able to give back today.