House Budget Proposal Hurts Millions of People to Pay for Still More Breaks for the Rich
February 17, 2025
House Budget Proposal Hurts Millions of People to Pay for Still More Breaks for the Rich
February 17, 2025
Why paid leave is the best Mother’s Day gift.
CHN Staff,
May 13, 2024
When it comes to juggling work and family, moms are truly doing it all. Seventy-four percent of mothers were in the labor force in 2023 even as they took on a majority of families’ unpaid caregiving responsibilities. They’re major breadwinners too – nationally, 79 percent of Black mothers, 48 percent of white mothers, 43 percent of Asian and Pacific Island mothers, 49 percent of Latina mothers and 64 percent of Native American mothers lead their household’s earnings.
I run a food pantry but it’s not enough. We need funding for SNAP.
CHN Staff,
May 10, 2024
I run a food pantry. I’m proud of the work we do. But if lawmakers passed a liveable minimum wage or invested more in programs like SNAP, people wouldn’t need to rely on pantries like mine. Pantries are a critical piece of the anti-hunger puzzle, but they’re filler pieces. Government nutrition programs — with the infrastructure and funding to get the job done — should be the centerpiece.
698 groups tell appropriators: Invest in Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education needs
David Elliot,
May 9, 2024
This week, almost 700 local, state, and national groups urged Congressional leaders to adequately fund programs included under the purview of the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations subcommittees. The 698 groups, noting a previously enacted stringent cap on non-defense discretionary spending (aka, annual appropriations) for fiscal year 2025, urged that committee members avoid imposing “additional cuts for the necessary services this subcommittee oversees, and that funding is found to respond to urgent needs.”
Groups urge Senate to act on expanded Child Tax Credit before the end of May
David Elliot,
May 8, 2024
More than 80 groups this week urged Senate leaders to take up the proposed expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) during the current congressional work period, which runs until late May. The groups, including the Coalition on Human Needs, signed a letter urging that the expanded CTC either be taken up as stand-alone legislation, or be attached as an amendment to must-pass legislation such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act, whose deadline is Friday, May 10, although that could be extended.
Congress must reject xenophobic and unconstitutional attack on the Census today
CHN Staff,
May 8, 2024
We at the Coalition on Human Needs strongly urge the House to reject H.R. 7109, an unconstitutional bill which would require the Census Bureau to ask about citizenship in the decennial census and apportion House seats only based on citizens.