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Human Needs Report: Advocates defeat ACA repeal bill, FY17 & FY18 spending work, Supreme Court confirmation and more
April 3, 2017

CHN just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report. Read on for articles on what’s next for ACA repeal efforts, FY17 & FY18 budget and appropriations work, a Supreme Court confirmation vote and more. Click here for the full PDF of the Human Needs Report. Advocates’ Efforts Defeat...

Marching for tax fairness
March 31, 2017

On Saturday, April 15, people across the country – and even some around the world – will be marching in recognition of Tax Day. Tax Day – the day when federal income taxes are due – actually falls on Tuesday, April 18 this year, but Saturday is a better day...

Would Justice Scalia or Abraham Lincoln have voted to put Judge Neil Gorsuch on the United States Supreme Court?
March 29, 2017

Editor’s note: The following blog post is authored by Kenan Heise, a Chicago journalist who has for decades illuminated the lives of poor people in his morally powerful writings. He has written for the Chicago Tribune and other major daily papers. Heise is the author of several books, including The Book of the Poor (2012) and...

Head Smacker: Trump wrongly claims corporate taxes are too high
March 28, 2017

President Trump’s address to Congress last month gave us in the human needs community much to smack our heads about. As CHN’s Debbie Weinstein noted in this piece about Trump’s false promises, he promised better health care while working to repeal the ACA; thanks in part to your advocacy, that...

CHN’s Deborah Weinstein featured on Ralph Nader Radio Hour
March 27, 2017

Editor’s note: Last week, CHN Executive Director Deborah Weinstein appeared on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour to discuss President Trump’s proposed budget, and America’s spending priorities. You can listen to a recording of the show here. Please note that the 15-minute segment featuring Deborah takes place 41:26 into the recording.

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