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President Trump’s budget blueprint and his broken promise to revive the American dream
March 22, 2017

Editor’s note: This post was written by Leo Nguyen, CHN’s Spring semester student intern. On July 11th, 2015, at a rally in Phoenix, Candidate Trump proclaimed, “The American Dream is dead, but I am going to make it bigger, stronger, and better than ever before.” On March 16, President Trump...

Webinar on Trump’s plan to cut human needs programs
March 20, 2017

UPDATE: While this webinar already took place, you can watch a recording and view the webinar slides here. Join CHN’s webinar to find out more. Tuesday, March 21, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. EDT President Trump’s partial budget heavily cuts domestic programs to pay for a $54 billion Pentagon spending increase. Learn...

Poor Excuse: Trump Budget Slashes Programs That Work Just Fine
March 17, 2017

So the first part of the Trump budget is out, and it is one of the clearest examples of upside-down priorities you’re likely to see. It cuts funds from programs serving our people – education, nutrition, housing, job training, legal services, afterschool care… – to add money for the Pentagon....

Fairness, progress and greatness trumped in partial budget; investments in people sacrificed
March 16, 2017

The dark and dangerous priorities of the Trump Administration are laid bare in its first budget submission.  The winners are military contractors and tough guy ideologues.  The losers are the American people. Anyone who harbored hopes of investment in jobs and opportunity for working class families will be bitterly disappointed. ...

Gil Lykens’ Story: Exhibit A in the Case for Preserving Medicaid
March 14, 2017

Editor’s note: Congress is considering repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and is debating major structural changes, and perhaps significant cuts, to Medicaid, which serves 74 million Americans. Voices for Human Needs is reaching out and telling the stories of those who could be harmed if the ACA is repealed without a...

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