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10 things we’re thankful for this Thanksgiving, despite all
November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving is upon us once again. This year, gathering with family and friends of different political perspectives will prove harder for some of us than in years past. Even more strongly in this difficult time of transition, we are mindful of the millions who can’t afford a big feast or...

The high cost of being poor in your state,  part II
November 18, 2016

Last month, we highlighted some of the fabulous work our state partners did surrounding the reports on poverty they co-released in conjunction with CHN’s national report, The High Cost of Being Poor in the U.S. The work continued this past month, with our remaining state partners releasing reports based on the...

The Implications of Marginal Food Security
November 16, 2016

If you work in the anti-poverty field, it is likely that you’ve heard of food security and food insecurity, but hidden between the two categories is another subcategory: marginal food security. What makes a household marginally food secure? According to the USDA, a household is marginally food secure if there...

Special Post-Election Friday Advocates’ Meeting
November 15, 2016

UPDATE: If you missed this event, you can listen to a recording of it here. We encourage you to forward this link to people in your networks, so they can hear the practical information about what we are facing, and what we have to do together. Speakers included: Chris Van Hollen...

Our work continues
November 9, 2016

This was a hard election cycle. Nationwide, many were distressed and turned off by the tenor of the campaigns. And today, while millions of Americans celebrate, millions more feel defeated. But regardless of which candidate you supported and whether you’re celebrating or somber today, this fact remains: millions of Americans...

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