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To count all kids, Census Bureau should improve the count of adults with low literacy 
December 7, 2023

Ensuring a fair and accurate Census is important for a variety of reasons. First, political entities from school boards and city councils to state legislatures use the decennial Census count to draw political districts, all the way up to Congress. Second, Census numbers drive funding decisions – if a particular community or neighborhood is undercounted, that geographic entity can miss out on funding, not just for a year or two but for an entire decade until the next count occurs.

CHN’s Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship, December 1, 2023
December 1, 2023

Immigrants strengthen our economy edition. Immigrants once again are under attack in Congress in a number of different ways. Just one example is a proposal under consideration in the Senate that, under the guise of ”border security,” would make it difficult if not impossible for potential immigrants to apply for asylum or parole status, undermining our moral and legal commitments to refugees and asylum seekers. Ironically, were this bill to pass, it could actually harm border security in the long run because many would-be immigrants, desperate to escape from domestic violence or communities torn asunder by gangs, drugs, rape, and other forms of violence would feel they had no option but to try to enter this country illegally. 

It takes strength to survive poverty — and a safety net to escape it
December 1, 2023

As a 32 year-old mother, I understand the extreme challenges my single mom faced better than ever. But I’ve also seen the life-changing difference a strong social safety net can make. Above all, I’ve learned that poverty is a policy choice, not a personal one. We can reverse it — if we choose.

CHN to Congress: Vote no on bill that bans shelter for migrants on public lands
November 30, 2023

Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, sent the following letter opposing the ban on use of federal land to house migrants to every member of the House on Thursday, November 30.

Ten Things We’re Thankful for This Thanksgiving 
November 22, 2023

Higher costs for basic needs continue to make life difficult for many Americans – so does the end of many pandemic-era programs that helped people access health care, put food on the table, afford child care, and so much more. Wars rage in Ukraine, in the Middle East, and elsewhere. It seems as if more refugees are displaced every day, and sometimes it feels like climate change might make refugees of us all. And yet: there are things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Here are ten things that come to mind to those of us at CHN: 

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