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The Wage Gap is Ridiculous and It’s Time for it to End
April 12, 2016

Editor’s note: This piece originally appeared in the Huffington Post on April 11, 2016. To take action on Equal Pay Day, join AAUW, the National Partnership for Women and Families, the National Women’s Law Center, 9to5 and others in the Fair Pay Coalition for a Twitter storm at 2pm using #EqualPay and #EqualPayDay....

Red Alert
April 11, 2016

This op-ed originally appeared in The Sojourner’s Truth in Toledo, Ohio. We have all seen or heard about the water crisis in Flint, Michigan: thousands of children and pregnant women have been exposed to lead poisoning after a series of questionable or, at best, very short-sighted decisions by various government...

Human Needs Report: Spending Bills Move, Corporate Tax Dodging, Emergency Funding and More
April 11, 2016

CHN just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report, our regular newsletter on national policy issues affecting low-income and vulnerable populations. This edition includes articles on budget and appropriations action in Congress, the Supreme Court’s decision affecting public sector unions, the Treasury Department’s actions to crack down on corporate tax dodging, and funding...

A campaign to broaden prosperity
April 7, 2016

2017 will mark the 50th anniversary of the Poor People’s Campaign.  As you may recall, the campaign was conceived by Dr. Martin Luther King in 1967 at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. It evolved into a movement to bring together a diverse amalgam of the poor – Whites, Blacks, Hispanics...

Pfizer Update: The Tax Coalition That Could
April 6, 2016

The good news just keeps coming. Yesterday we told you about new U.S. Treasury Department guidelines that would reduce the benefits and limit the number of companies that use the tax inversion loophole. These guidelines get at the tax-dodging strategies employed by Pfizer, which has been trying to dodge a...

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