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They are forgotten: Hunger and Homelessness in South Dakota
March 30, 2016

Do poverty, hunger and homelessness exist when there is no one around to see? A tiny South Dakota town that probably 99.99 percent of Americans have never heard of is living testimony that the answer to that question is an emphatic yes. Located in the poorest county in America, the...

Supreme Court Reaffirms Collective Bargaining in Landmark Case
March 29, 2016

Below is a statement from the National Education Association in response to the Supreme Court’s 4-4 decision today in the Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association case. CHN joined with more than 70 national civil rights and other organizations to file one of the “friends of the court” briefs mentioned in...

Hey Congress: Opioid Abuse is Still an Emergency
March 29, 2016

More Americans die every year from drug overdoses than they do in car crashes. That’s one of the reasons President Obama will be in Atlanta this afternoon speaking at the National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, the largest national collaboration of local, state and federal agencies, business, academia, treatment...

Resources from Around the Coalition: Nutrition and Hunger, Federal Budget, March Madness, and More
March 25, 2016

Anti-hunger efforts. Federal budget proposal analyses. Pay gap bracket picks. CHN’s coalition members are producing great work on very important issues. This week, we continue our Resources from around the Coalition blog series, highlighting important resources you should be aware of. The Food Research and Action Center recently launched a new blog, FRAC Chat....

Fact of the Week: Wage Inequality Grew in 2015 – for the 35th Year in a Row
March 24, 2016

A new report confirms what many Americans feel every day: the wage gap between the top and everyone else continues to grow. The good news is that real hourly wages (or, in non-economist speak, wages adjusted for inflation) grew across the board in 2015. However, the folks at the Economic...

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