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A Federal Budget that Connects the Dots and Works for All
March 11, 2016

This piece originally appeared in the Huffington Post March 10, 2016. After 20 nationally televised, occasionally entertaining, sometimes appalling debates, our presidential candidates this cycle have discussed a number of important issues: immigration policy, gun safety, health care, taxes, U.S. involvement in the Middle East, and the mounting crisis of...

Zika’s coming. Are we ready?
March 10, 2016

With the arrival of warm weather, health officials in the U.S. say it is not a matter of if but when we will see a widespread outbreak of the mosquito-borne Zika virus. Are we ready for it? No, we are not. Stateline, an initiative of Pew Charitable Trusts, recently reported...

Join the #TaxChat Tweetchat on March 15
March 10, 2016

Tax Day is a little over one month away. In the lead up to the big day, CHN will be joining MomsRising, Americans for Tax Fairness, National Priorities Project, National Women’s Law Center  and others on Tuesday, March 15th at 2pm ET for a #TaxChat tweetchat. We hope you’ll be...

Head Smacker: What Could We Do with $695 billion?
March 8, 2016

Imagine what our country could do with an additional $695 billion. Imagine the number of schools we could build. The number of teachers we could hire (and the decent salaries we could pay!) The number of child care and early childhood education slots we could fill. Imagine how we could...

Will We Remember Flint?
March 7, 2016

Rachel Mingo has 11 reasons to be concerned about the lead poisoning scandal in Flint, Michigan. First, there’s her and her husband, who together recently bought a home in Flint. Then there’s her 2-year-old daughter Madilyn and her three-year-old son Maverick. Finally, there are her seven brothers, all single, all...

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