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CHN Praises President Obama’s FY17 Budget Request
February 9, 2016

Below is the Coalition on Human Needs’ statement on President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2017 budget request released today. Let us know what you think of the President’s budget by leaving a comment below, and stay tuned for a special edition of the Human Needs Report to be released in the coming days with...

Resources from around the Coalition: Immigration, Criminal Justice, Super Bowl Ads, and More
February 4, 2016

Immigration. Criminal justice. Paid sick days. CHN’s coalition members are producing great work on very important issues. This week, we continue our Resources from around the Coalition blog series, highlighting important resources you should be aware of. The National Immigration Law Center released a report in late December demonstrating that the groundwork built...

Finish this Sentence: Inequality Is…
February 3, 2016

Income. Housing. Education. Racial justice. These are just a few of the areas where inequality is evident in our society. But what does inequality mean to you? That’s the question the Ford Foundation is exploring with their new series of videos and conversations about inequality in all its forms called...

Human Needs Report: Budget Season Begins, Child Nutrition Reauthorization Bill Moves, and Supreme Court Cases of Interest to the Human Needs Community
February 1, 2016

CHN just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report, our regular newsletter on national policy issues affecting low-income and vulnerable populations. This edition includes articles on what to watch for in the upcoming budget season, the child nutrition reauthorization bill moving in the Senate, and two cases of interest before...

The Obama Administration Takes Steps to Reduce Child Hunger
January 29, 2016

Clint Mitchell is an elementary school principal in Prince William County, Virginia. He doesn’t like to test students at the end of the month. Why? Because their families are running out of food by then – their SNAP benefits don’t last the whole month. I heard him at a White...

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