House Budget Proposal Hurts Millions of People to Pay for Still More Breaks for the Rich
February 17, 2025
House Budget Proposal Hurts Millions of People to Pay for Still More Breaks for the Rich
February 17, 2025
Twitterstorm 10/21: Tell Congress to get to work and #StopTheCuts!
Joanna Sandager,
October 14, 2015
On October 21, 2015 at 1pm ET join the Coalition on Human Needs, 9to5 – National Association of Working Women, AIDS United, Children’s Leadership Council, First Focus, Food Research and Action Center, MomsRising, MoveOn.org, National Council of Jewish Women, National Women’s Law Center, RESULTS, and advocates across the country for a #StopTheCuts...
The State of Poverty in Your State
Lecia Imbery,
October 13, 2015
On September 21, CHN released a national report, Economic Growth Leaves the Poorest Americans Behind, on the state of poverty in the U.S. Since then, we’ve been busy working with partner organizations in nearly 20 states to prepare and release state reports using the data from the American Community Survey published...
Tell CNN to #TalkPoverty During the Democratic Debate
Alyssa Peterson,
October 9, 2015
This post was originally published by TalkPoverty.org on October 9, 2015. This post continues our campaign at TalkPoverty.org to ask 2016 presidential candidates about how they would significantly reduce poverty and inequality in this country. CNN is hosting the first Democratic Presidential Primary Debate, happening at 9pm ETon Tuesday, October...
Bill O’Reilly Denied Child Hunger Exists. Here’s How Four Mothers Who Have Faced Hunger Responded.
Alyssa Peterson,
October 9, 2015
This post was originally published by TalkPoverty.org on October 8, 2015. Unsatisfied with the right-wing media’s usual poor-shaming, Bill O’Reilly has a new target: hungry kids. Although 15.3 million children live in households that struggle to put food on the table, Bill O’Reilly used a recent show to peddle his theory that...
A Quarter of American Men Live In or Near Poverty
Andrew Yarrow,
October 7, 2015
This post was originally published by the San Francisco Chronicle on October 2, 2015. Derrick, a 28-year-old Richmond man with an associate’s degree, loves his job doing after-school mentoring, tutoring, and coaching sports with elementary students in West Oakland, but with only 21 hours at work each week at $12.50...