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Nuns on the Bus – Bridging the Divides and Transforming Politics
September 18, 2015

The two-week, 2000-mile, 7-state Nuns on the Bus (NOTB) trip leading up to Pope Francis’ arrival in the United States is, in essence, a listening tour with the goal of bridging what divides us and transforming politics in the process. For those of us privileged to be on the bus it...

Unshared Recovery: 46 Million Poor; Poverty Rate Unchanged
September 16, 2015

Below is the statement by Deborah Weinstein, CHN’s executive director, on the new poverty data released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. We’ve also included tweets to share and our First Look at the data, which shows that economic recovery since the end of the Great Recession has been unshared. Unshared Recovery:  46 Million...

A message to Republican candidates ahead of tonight’s debate: Read the 2014 census poverty numbers and minimum wage polls
September 16, 2015

This post was originally published on OxFam America’s blog The Politics of Poverty on September 16, 2015. The Census numbers released today confirm that millions of people are working at jobs and still living in poverty. Women and people of color are particularly hard hit by low wages. The Census Bureau reports that 10.5...

#FoodFri Tweetchat 9/18: How do hunger & poverty data relate to upcoming budget fight?
September 14, 2015

This Friday join MomsRising, Coalition for Human Needs, and National Women’s Law Center  for a #FoodFri Tweetchat from 1-2pm ET. During this tweetchat we will be discussing the 2014 USDA hunger data, as well as the newly released Census data on poverty and healthcare, and how it relates to the upcoming budget...

Resources from Around the Coalition: Paid Sick Days, Child Tax Credits, the Budget Resolution and More
September 11, 2015

Economic mobility. Paid sick days. Child tax credits. CHN’s coalition members are producing great work on very important issues. This month, we continue our Resources from around the Coalition blog series, highlighting important resources you should be aware of. ♦ The National Partnership for Women & Families recently released a...

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