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33 Senators Join Chorus of Voices Condemning Obama’s Family Detention Policies
June 4, 2015

[Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on the American Civil Liberties Union’s blog, Washington Markup, on June 3. If you represent a national organization, please sign this letter being circulated by CHN urging President Obama to end the practice of family detentions.] One third of the Senate has had enough of the...

Strengthen Minimum Wage – and EITC
June 1, 2015

[Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities’ blog, Off the Charts, on May 27. On the same day, the National Women’s Law Center released an updated version of their related fact sheet, The Minimum Wage and EITC: Complementary Strategies Helping Women Life Their...

Save the Date! CHN’s 12th Annual Human Needs Hero Reception
May 28, 2015

The Coalition on Human Needs is proud to announce that the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) has been chosen as the 2015 Human Needs Hero. Please save the date and plan to join us July 30th as we celebrate the heroic achievements of NWLC. The 12th annual Human Needs Hero...

Why Your Story on Nutrition Assistance Matters
May 28, 2015

A compelling personal story is worth 100 statistics. Personal experiences can help move hearts and minds and create urgency. That’s why CHN, Center for American Progress, Food Research and Action Center, Feeding America, and Witnesses to Hunger are partnering to launch a campaign to gather and share personal experiences about...

Cleaning Our Rivers, Greening Our City and Creating Living Wage Jobs in Washington, DC
May 27, 2015

Are we caring for the least of these? This is the question I constantly ask myself. Our church sits in one of the poorest wards of the District of Columbia and I often minister to men and women returning home from prison. It is our mission as a congregation to...

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