House Budget Proposal Hurts Millions of People to Pay for Still More Breaks for the Rich
February 17, 2025
House Budget Proposal Hurts Millions of People to Pay for Still More Breaks for the Rich
February 17, 2025
What Portion of Our Collective Wealth Are We Willing to Invest So That People Can Succeed?
Deborah Weinstein,
May 15, 2015
This post was originally published by The Huffington Post on May 14, 2015. That is the question President Obama posed at a Georgetown University Catholic-Evangelical Summit on Overcoming Poverty on May 12. It was a fascinating discussion – not least because it was a discussion, with the President exchanging views...
10 Ideas to Save the Economy (in Easy-to-Understand Videos)
Lecia Imbery,
May 13, 2015
No one who works full-time should live in poverty. And no one should have to choose between providing for their family and being a good parent. To raise awareness and inform the debate around these and other important issues, MoveOn and Robert Reich recently launched a new campaign,”The Big Picture: 10...
Native American Youth Advocating for Their Own
Lecia Imbery,
May 12, 2015
The odds were stacked against Shilo Valle. Born into poverty with parents who struggled with drug and alcohol addictions, Shilo was placed in foster care. He changed foster care placements 9 times, including stays at treatment centers, group homes, and juvenile detention facilities because they were the only beds available...
Fact of the Week: 21 Million Moms Benefit from Low-income Tax Credits
Lecia Imbery,
May 8, 2015
Mother’s Day is just around the corner. It’s a day when we honor moms all around the country with cards, flowers, and small tokens of our thanks for all they do. A more practical way to show appreciation for millions of low-income moms, however, would be to make sure they’re economically...
Roadmaps to Opportunity and Budget Roadblocks
Lecia Imbery,
May 7, 2015
“These budgets massively disinvest in the country, and then they shred the social safety net… That is actually a recipe for putting a lot more people into poverty and eliminating opportunity.” – House Budget Committee Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) I listened to Rep. Van Hollen make this comment...