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Fact of the Week: We Can Reduce Child Poverty in America by 60 Percent Through an Investment Equal to Only 2 Percent of the Federal Budget
February 2, 2015

“Child poverty is too expensive to continue.” That’s what Children’s Defense Fund President Marian Wright Edelman said in unveiling their new report, Ending Child Poverty Now. Remarkably, a dramatic reduction in child poverty is not too expensive to undertake. An increase of just 2 percent of the federal budget put...

Tell Congress it’s time to #StopTheCuts
January 30, 2015

This coming Monday the President will present his budget request to Congress for FY2016. We look forward to reviewing the President’s proposals, and we’ve already heard about important investments he’d make in child care and community college. We’ve heard he will start to reverse damaging cuts to human needs programs....

Head Smacker: McConnell and Boehner Address Income Inequality…But Not Really
January 28, 2015

On Sunday, the CBS news show 60 Minutes aired the first joint interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell since the new Republican majority Congress convened. The interview took place only days after last week’s State of the Union address, and Scott Pelley...

Making Child Care Accessible to Low-Income Families
January 23, 2015

As we noted in a recent Fact of the Week, the average annual cost of center-based child care for an infant is nearly half of the income of a family of three living at the poverty level. In fact, child care is one of the most significant expenses in a...

Fact of the Week: Americans Not in Congress Overwhelmingly Support $12.50 Minimum Wage
January 23, 2015

In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Obama called out members of Congress who have failed to raise the minimum wage, saying, “If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to...

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