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New Census Data Confirms Too Many Are Still Stuck in Poverty
September 16, 2014

With the Census Bureau’s release of 2013 income, poverty, and health insurance coverage data this morning, and it’s been a flurry of activity at CHN and in the wider human needs arena all day. CHN’s Deborah Weinstein released a statement noting that, while poverty did decline from 2012 to 2013, the...

Are You Ready to Use the Census Bureau’s Newest Poverty Data?
September 4, 2014

On September 16 and 18, the Census Bureau will release 2013 findings from national income and poverty data and the American Community Survey, respectively. Get prepared for the newest release of Census poverty data on September 11 with CHN’s annual webinar training, The New Poverty Data: Using it to Show What Works (and What Doesn’t)...

Fact of the Week: One in Seven U.S. Households Is Food Insecure
September 4, 2014

More than 17.5 million American households had trouble providing adequate food for everyone in their family at some point in 2013, according to new data released yesterday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Economic Research Service. Despite being one more year out of a recession that officially ended in 2009, the percentage...

Head Smacker: Taking Blaming the Victim to New Lows
August 29, 2014

Central American Children Seek Refuge from Violence;Some in Congress Say The Children are the Threat Children fleeing Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador have been streaming into the U.S. and other nearby nations. Some members of Congress who oppose funding services for them have simply wanted to deny children entry and...

How We Should Really Honor Labor Day
August 28, 2014

For many of us who are lucky enough to have full-time jobs and paid holidays, Labor Day usually means a 3-day weekend, one last chance to go to the beach before summer ends, getting the kids ready for the new school year, or a barbeque with friends. In short, a...

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