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Unemployment Insurance: A 79-Year Old Promise to American Workers That Needs Renewing
August 15, 2014

This post was originally published on the Center for Effective Government’s blog on August 14. “What was the New Deal?…It was, I think, basically an attitude…that found voice in expressions like ‘the people are what matter to government,’ and ‘a government should aim to give all the people under its jurisdiction the...

Help Create Hunger-free Schools with Community Eligibility
August 14, 2014

The start of this school year marks the first time that schools in every state will be able to offer the Community Eligibility Provision, a new program that aims to give all students in high poverty schools access to the proper nutrition to learn and thrive. Community eligibility allows schools with...

Struggling to Eat in the Dog Days of Summer
August 11, 2014

For most kids, summer vacation means it’s time to relax, play outside, head to camp, and enjoy the sunshine. But for children who receive free or reduced-price meals through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the end of school takes on a different meaning. It could mean being hungry and...

Bridges to Economic Opportunity: Why We Need Transportation Equity
August 8, 2014

We’ve talked on this blog about minimum wage, paid leave, and other human needs programs that affect low-income workers and people with disabilities. One area we haven’t talked about yet that also impacts the ability of these populations to get good jobs and improve their situations is transportation. Let’s change...

Head Smacker: Minimum Wage Workers Forced to Rely on Public Subsidies While Their Employers Make Billions
August 6, 2014

Last Thursday, a group of minimum wage earners and supporters gathered on the steps of the Capitol to urge Members of Congress to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10. Many at the rally brought spare pairs of shoes with them as a symbol of their challenge to Congress to...

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