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Fact of the Week: More U.S. Cities Have Made it Illegal to Be Homeless
August 5, 2014

A report by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty released in July shows a disturbing trend in cities across America – the passage of laws that, in effect, make it illegal to be homeless. And the number of cities that are criminalizing many of the activities that homeless...

Head Smacker: Professor Epstein Wants People to be Able to Take Jobs at 2 Cents an Hour
July 31, 2014

There is a growing support for raising the minimum wage. In fact, 22 states and the District of Columbia have already enacted increases above the federal $7.25 per hour. But that view is not shared by Richard Epstein, professor of law at NYU. He was on the PBS NewsHour on...

Fact of the Week: Americans Want US to Give Shelter and Support to Child Refugees
July 31, 2014

A new poll by the Public Religion Research Institute sheds some light on what the U.S. public thinks about the child refugee crisis happening along the country’s southern borders. When asked what the U.S. should do about the children who are currently arriving from Central America without their parents, 70 percent...

New Q&A on the Child Refugee Crisis
July 30, 2014

There are many questions around the current child refugee crisis, including why the children are coming, what protections for them currently exist and what would happen if these protections are taken away, why additional money is needed and when it’s needed, how the public feels about the crisis, and why...

Children Fleeing Violence Need Congress to Act Now
July 28, 2014

In what has become a true humanitarian crisis, nearly 60,000 refugees, mostly unaccompanied children, have come to the U.S. this year alone. This Wednesday, July 30, the Senate is expected to vote on a bill to provide $2.7 billion in emergency funding to help improve their already desperate situation. The...

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