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New Q&A on the Child Refugee Crisis
July 30, 2014

There are many questions around the current child refugee crisis, including why the children are coming, what protections for them currently exist and what would happen if these protections are taken away, why additional money is needed and when it’s needed, how the public feels about the crisis, and why...

Children Fleeing Violence Need Congress to Act Now
July 28, 2014

In what has become a true humanitarian crisis, nearly 60,000 refugees, mostly unaccompanied children, have come to the U.S. this year alone. This Wednesday, July 30, the Senate is expected to vote on a bill to provide $2.7 billion in emergency funding to help improve their already desperate situation. The...

Rep. Ryan’s Poverty Plan – Reactions and Resources
July 24, 2014

Earlier today, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) appeared at an event hosted by AEI to unveil his new plan to fight poverty, “Expanding Opportunity in America.” Rep. Ryan’s plan categorizes his reforms into six different areas, a few of which we’ll discuss here. So-called “Opportunity Grants”:  First, Rep....

Head Smacker: Trying to get Chairman Ryan’s poverty plan to match up with everything he has proposed up to now, and what he might be doing tomorrow
July 24, 2014

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) gave a speech today about Expanding Opportunity in America. He talked about the need to provide individualized services to poor families, to let states try new approaches and test their outcomes, to reduce incarceration and provide services for those returning from prison, and...

Fact of the Week: The Average Worker Who Would Benefit from a Minimum Wage Increase Isn’t Who You Might Think
July 23, 2014

The average age of workers who benefit from raising the minimum wage to $10.10 is 35 years old. More than a third of workers affected are at least 40. While many people still think of the average minimum wage worker as the teenager earning some extra spending cash, the reality is...

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