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Nearly Half of Older Americans Can’t Afford Basic Needs
December 11, 2024

Editor’s note: Sherlea Dony is a retired American Sign Language interpreter, consultant on access services for students who are deaf and hard of hearing, and copy editor currently living in Rochester, New York. This blog was distributed and cross-posted with permission by I worked hard my whole career and...

78 National Organizations and 86 State Organizations urge lawmakers to protect IRS funding 
December 11, 2024

As Congress considers legislation to extend government funding, a coalition of national and state organizations are advocating to protect funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  

Organizations Asked to Urge Senate: Oppose Vought Nomination for OMB Director  
December 6, 2024

Organizations are asked to urge Senate to oppose nomination of Russell Vought for Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).  

Congress Must Support an Independent, Fully Funded Census Bureau
December 6, 2024

The collection of objective, high-quality statistics is critical to maintaining public confidence in the data that underlie our democracy, the fair distribution of resources to all communities, and our understanding of who we are as a society.

This Thanksgiving 
November 27, 2024

Every year, we at the Coalition on Human Needs like to consider what we’re thankful for when Thanksgiving rolls around. There’s no doubt, what we’re expecting to be up against come January inspires us with a number of emotions, and gratitude is not really so high on the list. Except…to live our best lives, we need to grab onto the people, things, and ideas that give us gladness, that surprise us, take us out of ourselves, make us laugh, and remind us of what endures. How can we not be thankful for the chance to experience all that? 

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