Our Path Forward: Advocates nationwide join in CHN’s webinar on how to protect people despite threats from the new Administration and Congress
January 15, 2025
Groups help erase medical debt for 24,000 Arkansans
CHN Staff,
February 4, 2022
Philanthropic groups have collaborated to erase more than $35 million in medical debt for Arkansas residents. Sarah Kinser, chief program officer of Arkansas Community Foundation - one of the groups that raised funds - said medical debt can cause serious financial stress. "People who have to service debt that they can't afford may end up having to choose between feeding their family and repaying that debt," said Kinser. "And especially as we've been in a pandemic and people have had unexpected medical costs. We know that debt burden is especially present on everyone's minds."
CHN’s COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship February 4, 2022
CHN Staff,
February 4, 2022
The post-pandemic planning edition. The rapid decrease in the number of new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. has prompted speculation that maybe, possibly, perhaps, the end of the pandemic is in sight. We can’t say for sure – we've been down that road before. But we can ask ourselves a fundamental question. When the pandemic recedes, do we want to go back to the pre-pandemic days? Or do we want to build something better, something lasting, something that boldly addresses the weaknesses and systemic inequities that predated COVID-19?
Some 67,000 workers get a pay raise – and more will soon follow
David Elliot,
February 1, 2022
Thanks to President Biden, about 67,000 federal workers have now received a guaranteed $15 per hour minimum wage. And within this year, another 300,000 employees of federal contractors -- who fill support positions for the government but are not federal workers -- will join them. The move, which involved Biden filling a 2020 campaign pledge via executive order, affects workers in all U.S. states and territories. It covers a multitude of occupations, including wildland firefighters, plant protection technicians, and custodial workers.
Does long COVID affect disproportionately affect women, people of color?
David Elliot,
January 28, 2022
Two House members have written a letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, asking the agency to publicly release figures detailing how many Americans suffer from “long COVID,” including how many women and people of color are affected. Reps. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and Don Beyer (D-VA) said it is “critical” for Congress and the American public to have access to data relating to long COVID “in order to inform policymaking and protect the public’s health.”
Another reason for Child Tax Credit expansion? Smarter babies.
David Elliot,
January 28, 2022
If you are looking for even more evidence that extending the expanded Child Tax Credit is good public policy, consider this: a breakthrough new study suggests that such payments can make babies smarter. The study, released this week by the National Academy of Sciences, did not involve the CTC payments. However, it did examine low-income families who received just over $300 in monthly cash assistance during the first year of their children’s lives. It found that infants in families receiving the payments displayed more high-frequency brain waves when they reached 12 months of age.