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Next Week’s Podcast Explores Securing Pathway to Citizenship for Millions. Meanwhile, Immigration Advocates Are Not Dissuaded By Senate Parliamentarian’s Ruling.
September 24, 2021

There is no better time than now to lend your voice to the fight to secure a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants! That’s why next week’s episode of the Voices for Human Needs podcast is all about the ongoing efforts of grassroots advocates, allies in Congress, and directly impacted communities across the country to finally passing legislation that protects millions of immigrants who are essential members of our communities.

Meet Diane and Lupe – two women with stories that Sen. Mitch McConnell may not want you to hear 
September 24, 2021

Diane Morgan lives in Cleveland, Ohio, where she works as an urban farmer. For many years, a lack of health insurance kept her from receiving an eye exam – which threatened her ability to renew her driver’s license and thus, her livelihood. Lupe Mendoza is a single mom with six kids – five still living at home – in Walla, Walla, Washington. The pandemic wrecked her family’s finances. Both Diane and Lupe stand to benefit from President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, albeit in different ways.

What the Expanded Child Tax Credit Means to Me
September 16, 2021

No one had prepared me for motherhood — my own mother abandoned me when I wasn’t even two years old. My child’s father was violently abusive. My life was unstable and I was terrified of having another human being depend on me. Things are so much better now. My son Caleb is starting kindergarten, and he’s the light of my life. We’ve been through so much together, but we’re making it.

COVID made Long-Term Struggles Worse — But Congress Prevented Poverty for Millions, and Must Act Now to Sustain Major Progress 
September 14, 2021

Poverty declined from 2019 to 2020 despite soaring unemployment. Here’s why: Congress’ actions to provide COVID relief lifted millions of people out of poverty. The “stimulus” (Economic Impact) payments helped nearly 11.7 million people out of poverty.  Expanded unemployment insurance lifted 5.5 million out of poverty. The stimulus payments were new; the expanded unemployment insurance lifted ten times the number of people out of poverty as in 2019 (524,000 were helped in that year). This is powerful evidence that federal actions can provide essential help when people need it most.

September 11
September 11, 2021

Twenty years ago I drove into work at the Children’s Defense Fund in Washington, DC and saw the twin towers coming down on a television set just as I entered the building.  Our location was a short walk from the U.S. Capitol; we didn’t know what else might happen.  A few minutes later the Pentagon was attacked.  The Metro shut down as a precaution; we needed to evacuate, and I took as many people as possible to drive to their homes.  The streets were gridlocked; it took many hours. 

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