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How to Get Ready
October 28, 2024

The Coalition on Human Needs is a nonpartisan organization. We do not endorse candidates, but we know that elected officials will make crucial decisions that will affect everyone in the U.S. We have urged people to look for – and vote for – candidates who will invest in expanded health...

Federal Disaster Relief Resources
October 21, 2024

Below please find a collection of important resources related to the recent and ongoing Hurricanes Helene and Milton disasters. Many of you work with state and local networks; we hope you will forward this information to advocates in affected states, with our strong hopes they can get the ongoing help they need now and will continue to need.  But the first resource is an action everyone can take to urge Congress to pass a disaster relief package on its return in November. 

CHN’s Human Needs Watch: Vote for Human Needs, October 21, 2024
October 21, 2024

The Vote for Human Needs edition.  Democracy is under attack and CHN is fighting back. New, restrictive voter ID laws have been enacted in state after state. Many states are shortening the time we have to vote, or making it more difficult to have our votes counted. Often, the brunt of this oppression falls on people of color, students, the elderly, or first-time voters. 

VoteRiders to the rescue
October 17, 2024

Seiyanna had a voter ID problem. The first-time voter wanted to register, but a new law in her home state of Nebraska required her to use her driver’s license to vote – but it was expired and she could not afford to renew it. But one afternoon, Seiyanna stumbled across VoteRiders’ Nebraska Voter ID Information Cards at a Juneteenth Celebration in Omaha.

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