Human Needs Report: Trump’s Cabinet and what’s to come, averting a shutdown and more
CHN just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report, our regular newsletter on national policy issues affecting low-income and vulnerable populations. This edition includes articles on the stopgap spending measure in Congress to keep the government funded, President-elect Trump’s Cabinet picks, what to look for from the new Administration and more. See below for the full analysis and links to each piece in the report.
Click here for the full PDF Human Needs Report: http://www.chn.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/December-6-2016.pdf
The Trump Administration Takes Shape, but Cabinet Picks Worry Many Advocates
In the month since the historic 2016 presidential election, President-elect Trump has begun shaping his Administration and working with Republican leaders to outline the party’s priorities for the new Congress. One part of this process involves nominating members of President-elect Trump’s cabinet, including several nominees who are opposed by human needs advocates. READ MORE »
Congress Poised to Pass Stopgap Spending Measure through Spring 2017
With Republicans set to control both chambers of Congress and the White House come January, Republican leaders in Congress are poised to pass another stopgap spending bill to keep the government funded when the current stopgap measure runs out on December 9. The new short-term spending bill, known as a Continuing Resolution or CR, will fund annually-appropriated programs likely through April 28, 2017. READ MORE »
What to Look for Coming from the New Congress and President-elect Trump
Republican leaders in Congress have suggested that they will take quick action shortly after their January swearing-in to repeal the Affordable Care Act, including its Medicaid expansion. In order to achieve this, they plan to belatedly approve a joint House-Senate budget resolution for the current fiscal year. READ MORE »
Federal Judge Blocks Overtime Rule Set to Help Millions of Workers; Other Regulations May be Overturned by “Midnight Rules” Act
On November 22, a federal judge in Texas blocked overtime protections scheduled to take effect December 1. Even if the judge hadn’t blocked the new rule from taking effect, it was already considered part of a group of regulations targeted by Republicans in Congress and the new Trump Administration for the potential chopping block. READ MORE »
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