Working together to keep Congress’s #HandsOff
At the Coalition, we know the importance of working together and fighting for what’s right with one voice. The past few months have proven this to be true now more than ever. Marches and rallies in support of women’s rights, climate action, Medicaid and more, both here in D.C. and around the country, have led to thousands of constituents showing up at town hall meetings to defend health care and basic living standards for all Americans. As recently as last week, advocates met with their Senators over the recess and told them to reject the horrible health care repeal bill that would strip coverage from millions.
And yesterday, more than 1,500 national, state and local groups from every state stood together to send a letter to every member of Congress, again fighting for what’s right. With leadership from CHN, the groups – including service providers, faith groups, labor and civil rights organizations, environmentalists and more – representing millions of Americans, urged Congress to reject the draconian cuts in President Trump’s FY18 budget proposal. Instead, we’re working together to urge Congress to produce a budget that moves us toward opportunity for all, that safeguards and advances our basic living standards, and that protects our environment. You can read the letter and see the list of signers here and read CHN’s statement about the letter here.
Members of Congress are receiving this letter as House Republicans struggle to come to a consensus on their FY18 budget proposal. While we don’t know exactly what will be in it yet, we do know that the House Budget Committee this week postponed taking up the proposal for the third time. Reportedly, House Republicans can’t agree on just how much to cut from Medicaid, and possibly SNAP, income assistance for the elderly and disabled, and low-income tax credits. Some want at least $200 billion in 10-year cuts to these programs that ensure basic living standards. Others want a larger cut; some conservatives are reportedly calling for $300-$400 billion in cuts just to entitlement programs alone. Keep in mind these cuts would come on top of the $772 billion in cuts to Medicaid over the next decade included in the Senate health care repeal bill.
The House budget draft would also fast-track tax cuts and increase Pentagon spending while slashing spending on many more human needs programs. The large cuts to basic living standards programs such as Medicaid and the failure of the parties to work together to increase damaging spending caps is causing some House Republicans to oppose the budget, and our letter provides support for those members who oppose the cuts.
House and Senate GOP leaders will continue to argue about how much is “just the right amount” to cut from entitlement and other human needs programs, and how many millions of Americans should be denied health care. CHN will, on the other hand, stand with our more than 1,500 allies in fighting for what’s right: a budget that invests in all of us, not just the wealthy and corporations.
How can you be a part of this movement? Tweet at your representative and your senators (find their Twitter handles at the respective hyperlinks). You can use the sample tweet below or create your own, telling your elected officials to keep their #HandsOff health care, Medicaid, SNAP, housing assistance, afterschool programs, the Environmental Protection Agency, and so many other vital programs the Trump budget wants to slash.
Sample tweet: [insert your Senators’ and Rep’s twitter handle] I’m a constituent and join with 1500 groups: the budget should invest not cut: http://ow.ly/Mgis30doRu4 #HandsOff
Then, join our Thunderclap! Register here for our Thunderclap – everyone’s message will be posted simultaneously via Twitter or Facebook or both (your choice) on July 17 at 1:30 PM ET. It’s a great way to raise our voices together.
Not on Twitter or Facebook? Email your members of Congress instead.