256 national groups urge Congress to agree to raise limits on domestic spending to meet human needs
Today, 256 organizations representing millions nationwide joined in urging Congress to lift budget caps so that we do not turn our backs on providing vital services.
The groups, representing faith organizations, human service providers, and those concerned about needs including health care, housing, nutrition, environmental safety, education, child care and more, called upon Congress to set domestic and international spending for FY 2020 at levels no less than the House totals. The House agreed on a FY 2020 cap for appropriations of $631 billion for programs other than defense, and placed additional funds for programs including the 2020 Census outside the budget cap.
“Unless Congress and the President agree to change the law by lifting rigid limits on spending, critical needs for housing, education, child care, and public health and safety will face cuts we can ill afford,” said Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs. “The House has set spending levels that allow for more children, workers, families, and seniors to get the help they need and to prevent painful steps backward. The Senate should agree on no less, and President Trump should sign such legislation without delay.”
If current budget law is not changed, domestic programs will face cuts of about 10 percent in the fiscal year that begins October 1. Because certain program areas must increase, such as the constitutionally required 2020 Census and previously enacted increases in veterans’ health services, other programs will lose even more. The groups signing this letter are working to prevent losses in subsidized housing, food aid, education from preschool to college, children’s services, health research and protections, substance use disorder treatment and other services.
“Leaving funding at current levels will not meet our needs,” added Weinstein. “Essential funding for an accurate Census count and enacted expansion of veterans’ health benefits will force cuts everywhere else if Congress and the President do not act. This letter shows strong support for responsible and speedy action by our leaders.”
The Coalition on Human Needs, an alliance of national organizations dedicated to meeting the needs of low-income and vulnerable people, helped to collect the organizational signers on this letter. You can view the letter as well as the 256 national groups that signed here.