More Than 300 Organizations Urge New Congress to Protect and Strengthen Medicaid
Editor’s note: The statement below was originally published on Families USA’s website. Families USA is a member of the Coalition on Human Needs.
Medicaid Covers 80 Million Americans, and Serves as the Backbone for the Health System We All Rely On
Washington, D.C. – As the 119th Congress is sworn in today, 344 national, state and local organizations called on Congressional leadership to protect, preserve and strengthen Medicaid, which covers 80 million Americans and is the backbone of the health system on which we all rely. While President-elect Trump said, including in an NBC interview last month and elsewhere, that he would not cut entitlements like Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security, the consumer advocacy organization Families USA spearheaded the letter in response to some House and Senate Republicans proposing to restrict, cut or cap Medicaid coverage in order to pay for extending tax cuts.
After an election where Americans sent a clear message to lower costs — for groceries, rent and health care, the letter argues that the last thing Congress should do is to cut or cap Medicaid, which would raise costs and limit access to health care for the millions of Americans who need it.
“During the 2024 election cycle, cutting Medicaid was not a budget solution that American families asked for — and doing so now would betray your constituents of all political affiliations who are seeking more economic security, not less,” stated the organizations in their letter. “Cutting Medicaid would shift costs and administrative burdens onto working class families, states and health systems.”
They continued, “Proposals to cap funding, reduce the federal share of Medicaid spending, establish block grants, institute work reporting and community engagement requirements, cut state revenue from provider taxes or otherwise undermine the fundamental structure of the Medicaid program all have the same effect: If instituted, Americans will lose access to lifesaving services, states will be strapped with massive budget holes, hospitals and clinics will lose revenues and be forced to scale back services, and American families and workers will be unable to afford essential care and get sicker — leading to a loss in productivity and the economy suffering as a result.”
Medicaid serves nearly 80 million Americans, including 37 million children, and covers 40% of all births. Medicaid provides health and economic security for patients, families, and communities. Ensuring continuous coverage through Medicaid keeps people healthy, enabling them to work and contribute to their communities and to the overall economy. Medicaid is also a major funding source for hospitals and clinics that we all rely on.
Families USA along with the undersigned stand ready to work together on those solutions that will provide relief to those struggling with health costs, but shredding the health care safety-net would have the opposite impact on American families.
Families USA, a leading national voice for health care consumers, is dedicated to the achievement of high quality, affordable health care and improved health for all.