Celebrate 50 years of Head Start with an #EarlyEdChat


May 20, 2015


Head Start is celebrating its 50th birthday! Join us and other advocates for the weekly #EarlyEdChat to celebrate this important milestone for the Head Start program.

On May 21st at 2pm ET, MomsRising and special guest National Head Start Association will kick off a tweetchat via the #EarlyEdChat hashtag. Come and share your questions, stories, resources, and more on Twitter! Please make sure to follow @MomsRising and the hashtag #EarlyEdChat to join. The chat is in both English and Spanish.

DATE: Thursday, May 21st
TIME: 2pm-3pm ET / 11am-12pm PT
WHERE: On Twitter with the hashtag #EarlyEdChat
WHO: @MomsRising@NatlHeadStart, and YOU!

Want to tell others? Share this post and this tweet:

Join @MomsRising & @NatlHeadStart via #EarlyEdChat Thur 5/21, 2pmET/11amPT to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Head Start! #HeadStart50

 To learn more about this important program, check out the PBS NewsHour video, What’s the legacy of Head Start 50 Years on?, below.

child nutrition
child poverty
early childhood
Early Childhood Education
Education and Youth Policy
Head Start