CHN’S COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship May 29


May 29, 2020

May 29, 2020

As the nation mourned 100,000 lives lost to the coronavirus, it is necessary to understand that there would be many thousands more deaths over the coming months, and hundreds of thousands more cases, with the numbers dependent on the ways in which reopenings are achieved. This week’s data show how much some of us have been hit harder: African Americans and the Navajo Nation, and families with children prime examples. Especially shocking: nearly one-third of those jobless because they are sick with coronavirus symptoms are going without food, or close to one-quarter of those home because they must care for their children. The Senate must join the House in enacting COVID recovery legislation similar to the House’s HEROES act.

You can post about these numbers on Facebook. Or click to tweet at the end of each fact. 

102,201/ 1.7 million
Number of confirmed deaths/cases in the US, as of 5/29 from John Hopkins University. Click to tweet. 

How many Black Americans would be alive today if their death rate from COVID-19 matched the rate of White Americans.  (Based on data available in 40 states plus D.C.:  deaths per 100,000, through May 19:  White: 22.7; Asian, 24.3; Latinx, 24.9; Black, 54.6; Navajo Nation, 90.8, through May 27. Click to tweet. 

40.8 million, or 1 in 4
People filing unemployment claims from March 15 – May 23.  That’s one-quarter of all U.S. workers. Click to tweet. 

Of households including children had someone who lost employment income since March 13 (from Census Household Pulse survey, week ending May 19). Click to tweet. 

23%, 25%, or 32%

Percentage of people who sometimes or often did not have enough to eat in the past 7 days, if they weren’t working because they were

  • home caring for a child not in school or daycare (23%)
  • laid off due to the pandemic (25%)
  • sick with coronavirus symptoms (32%). Click to tweet. 

From 40% to 20%
Drop in receipt of free or reduced price school meals by survey respondents from February through April. Click to tweet. 

More than 3 times
People in households where someone lost income from work were more than 3x as likely to be uninsured as people in households where no one lost work income (14.2% vs. 4.3%, week ending May 19). Click to tweet. 

More than one-quarter
26.4% of people in households where someone lost employment did not pay or deferred rent in April. Click to tweet. 

August 23
When evictions of renters from federally-backed units can proceed, after moratorium has expired, if Congress takes no action to extend moratorium and/or provide emergency rental assistance Click to tweet. 

Close to $0
How much a Trump-proposed capital gains tax cut would boost the COVID-ravaged economy. The top 1% would take a tax break and sock away the money. Click to tweet. 

275,000  –  300,000
Fewer teachers in public K-12 schools resulting from 15-25% cuts expected if no additional federal support, out of 3.2 million public school teachers this year. Click to tweet. 

Zero despite 95
0 businesses the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has cited for COVID-related safety violations despite 95 COVID-related deaths in  meatpacking and grocery workplaces alone. Click to tweet.


