There’s a lot going on right now, and a lot at stake. Here’s a short guide to a number of important deadlines that are rapidly approaching.
Monday, Dec. 10 is the deadline for submitting comments regarding the Trump Administration’s dangerous public charge proposal. The Trump Administration’s change to the public charge rule would create a pay-to-play immigration system that would force immigrant families to choose between getting the social services they need or becoming lawful permanent residents, locking immigrant families into poverty as a result.
CHN has teamed up with the Protecting Immigrant Families campaign to stand up against this change. The most important thing you can do is leave a comment in the Federal Register. Click this link to access CHN’s comment guide and find out how you can comment as an individual or on behalf of an organization.
Friday, Dec. 14 is the deadline for signing on to the Strengthening America’s Values and Economy for All (SAVE) statement of principles. If you haven’t already, please sign on your national, state, or local organization today. Even if you have signed in previous years, we need your signature again this year.
Read the full statement of principles and see a list of current signers here.
Why is signing the SAVE statement of principles so important?
This coming January, over 100 new members will be sworn in to the 116th Congress. It is imperative that we meet them with a strong commitment to keep human needs policies, programs, and priorities front and center.
Don’t delay. Sign the SAVE for All statement of principles today.
Saturday, Dec. 15 is the deadline for signing up for Open Enrollment in Marketplace coverage. We blogged on this earlier this week. The Trump Administration, never a fan of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), has cut the time available to enroll, and has slashed funding for outreach and advertising to let people know about Open Enrollment. So it is incumbent upon all of us to make sure people know about the Dec. 15 deadline.
Families USA has prepared an Open Enrollment resource clearinghouse blog. It includes resources for consumers and resources for organizations working to spread the word about enrollment. The clearinghouse includes resources directly from HealthCare.gov as well as from Young Invincibles, Community Catalyst, Get America Covered, Kaiser Family Foundation, Out2Enroll and more partners.
Friday, Dec. 21 is widely expected to be the (new) deadline for Congress to pass, and President Trump to sign, a measure to keep government running. We know that Trump is insisting that $5 billion be appropriated to build “the wall.” We are just as strongly insistent that such an expenditure is unnecessary, wasteful, and would divert urgently needed resources from human needs priorities. And by the way, the Trump Administration has spent only 6 percent of the money it’s already been provided by Congress for wall/barriers construction, according to Congressional staff.
Finally: it’s not a deadline exactly, but as we approach the end of 2018, we’d like you to reflect on the work CHN has performed during the past difficult year, and what we will be called upon to do going forward into 2019. And, if you think our work is important, we’d like you to consider an end-of-the-year donation. Thanks to a generous benefactor, all contributions up to $5,000 will be matched dollar for dollar through the end of the year.