#FoodFri Tweetchat 9/18: How do hunger & poverty data relate to upcoming budget fight?
This Friday join MomsRising, Coalition for Human Needs, and National Women’s Law Center for a #FoodFri Tweetchat from 1-2pm ET. During this tweetchat we will be discussing the 2014 USDA hunger data, as well as the newly released Census data on poverty and healthcare, and how it relates to the upcoming budget and sequester debate. Join us with resources, ideas and tweets by adding the hashtag #FoodFri to all your tweets at 1pm ET on September 18th.
Spread the word! Here are a few sample tweets to get involved:
- Join @MomsRising @CoalitiononHN @nwlc 9/18 1pmET for #FoodFri chat on #poverty #hunger data & federal #budget
- Curious about the new @USDA & @USCensusBureau data on #hunger & #poverty? Join the 9/18 #FoodFri chat 1pmET
- How do #hunger & #poverty data relate to upcoming #budget fight? Join us 9/18 1pmET for #FoodFri to find out!
- 1 in 7 Americans facing hunger now. Join @MomsRising @CoalitiononHN @nwlc 9/18 1pmET for #FoodFri chat on the new #hunger data
- .@USDA just released data: 15.3 million children live in #hunger. Tune in and discuss during #FoodFri tweetchat 9/18 1pm ET
Be sure to follow @MomsRising, @CoalitiononHN and @NWLC and the hashtag #FoodFri to participate.