From our members, on the 2024 elections
Below are excerpts from statements of a number of the Coalition on Human Needs members following the 2024 election results.
An excerpt from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights’ Statement on the 2024 Election:
“The Leadership Conference has always been central to the fight for democracy — we have never backed down from a fight, and we will not back down now. We will continue to expand the base of support across communities and experiences for our right to vote and inspire engagement on the issues central to this fight — from work that works for people, to a care economy that ensures care workers can also care for their families. We will continue to work to ensure that education is for all of us, and that from books to curriculum, it binds us rather than blinds us. We will continue to fight for a federal judiciary that is fair and accountable. We will continue to use our considerable platform to convene, communicate, coordinate, and educate the foot soldiers for freedom with the clear recognition that the roots of white supremacy have spread and are no longer underground runners — but the poisonous thorns have sprouted across this great land in full view and with significant permission.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from the National Immigration Law Center’s Statement on Election of Donald Trump as President:
“One thing is certain: we cannot and will not retreat. For more than 40 years, NILC has been steadfast in our fight to defend the rights of low-income immigrants and their loved ones. We successfully fought Donald Trump before, and we will do it again.
There is too much at stake in the months ahead to succumb to despair. Instead, we will come together, lift up the courage and resilience of immigrant communities, and fight back with everything we have.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from Service Employees International Union’s Statement on the 2024 Presidential Election Result:
“SEIU’s 2 million members did monumental work in this election, reaching more than 7 million voters in 12 languages. Those conversations weren’t just about one vote, they’re about the world we’re determined to build together. Our shared future is one rooted in joy and optimism, where we have Unions for All so that workers can share in the nation’s prosperity.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from the National Employment Law Project’s Pledge to Fight for Workers’ Rights, Demand Corporate Accountability, and Pursue a Good-Jobs Economy Under Trump Administration:
“In the wake of Donald Trump’s election as the 47th President of the United States, the National Employment Law Project reaffirms its steadfast commitment to advocating for workers’ rights and building a good-jobs economy. By raising the floor for wages, benefits, and job conditions; building worker power and pushing back on corporate influence; bolstering enforcement of worker rights; and advancing a just and inclusive economy where all workers have the opportunity to thrive, NELP will continue working to ensure that every single job is a good job, and everyone who wants a job can get one.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from a letter from RESULTS‘ Executive Director:
“Our north star doesn’t change. We still strive for a world without poverty — for a world beyond poverty and the oppression that causes it.
We will protect and grow programs that save lives and allow families to thrive. We will build grassroots power. This means supporting all of you as the amazing leaders you are and bringing in more people inspired to get engaged.”
Read the full letter here.
An excerpt from the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s Statement on the Presidential Election result:
“The high cost of housing was a top election issue for voters in 2024, and voters have made clear that they want policymakers at all levels of government to advance solutions,” stated (Diane) Yentel. “NLIHC urges President-elect Trump to work with policymakers on both sides of the aisle to enact meaningful affordable housing solutions and to leave behind the divisive, hateful, and harmful rhetoric too often used during his campaign.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from the Center for Law and Social Policy’s Response to the Outcome of the 2024 Presidential Election:
“CLASP is prepared for this moment, informed by our experience in responding to the first Trump administration, which previewed all these threats. Our preparations include strengthening the powerful coalitions we are already engaged in, including those that protect immigrant families and children, and building new ones where needed; working with partners to build on our collective knowledge and expertise to slow down, minimize, and where possible prevent or mitigate damage; standing ready to build on our powerful past record of documenting the harm when it happens and telling the story to the public; moving the vision forward in the states; and bringing our deep knowledge into partnership with organizing and movement leaders.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from the National Women Law Center’s Statement on 2024 Presidential Election Result:
“Over the next four years, it is essential for our institutions to exercise their authority to curb any moves toward authoritarianism, and advance issues that matter most to women and families.
Equally crucial is the need for gender justice advocates to raise their voices. We must resist any attempts to roll back our rights, revert to regressive policies, or erode our economic security. The National Women’s Law Center is committed to being at the forefront of this fight.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from the National Partnership for Women & Families’ Statement on the 2024 Elections:
“We are clear about what progress does and does not look like, and we will fight for policy solutions that actually work in practice and not in name only. Going backward on hard-won rights and protections is not an option. We know that progress does not always come easily or occur in a straight line forward. There are setbacks and disappointments and hurdles to overcome. But, we are unflinching in our resolve to push forward towards a vision where gender is never a barrier for a person to live the life they want to lead. Our task is to stay focused, determined, persistent, and unbroken in the fight for fairness and justice. We are ready.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from First Focus on Children‘s Statement on the 2024 Presidential Election Result:
“In his victory speech, Donald Trump promised to ‘not rest until we have delivered the strong, safe, and prosperous America that our children deserve.’ His running mate, JD Vance, also invoked kids, saying ‘We’re never going to stop fighting for you, for your dreams, for the future of your children.’ We are encouraged to hear these words. But they must be more than words. To accomplish what they say is their goal, the incoming Trump Administration must substantially improve its record from the first term where children saw record-low investment, dramatic losses in pediatric health coverage, sizable increases in food insecurity and families experiencing homelessness, and brutal policies that cruelly separated children from their parents as they navigated the immigration or asylum process. Children cannot afford and our nation should not tolerate divestment in children’s needs or a government that subjects them to harm.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from Bread for the World’s Statement on the 2024 Presidential Election Result:
“Nearly 14 million children in the U.S. are experiencing food insecurity and 45 million children globally suffer from wasting, the most devastating form of malnutrition.
“Bread looks forward to working with the new Administration and Congress to ensure all children, both in the United States and around the world, have access to the nutrition they need to flourish.
“God calls on us to care for our neighbors. We pray, in a spirit of unity, that we follow in the footsteps of Jesus to bring hope and practical solutions to help people experiencing hunger.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from MAZON’s Statement on the 2024 Presidential Election Result:
“More than 47 million Americans are facing hunger today, and we will steadfastly oppose any legislative or regulatory effort that will increase that number. Whatever lies ahead, rest assured that we are prepared to continue our work with renewed vigor. We are not hopeless because we are not helpless. We have prepared for this moment, and we will always stand for those who need our support.
“We’ve been in this fight before. We’re ready to continue it now.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from NETWORK lobby’s Pledge to Continue Mission to Fight for Policies That Uphold the Dignity of All:
“We call upon the new Administration to be concerned with human flourishing for all people. We call for policies that protect and preserve our planet now and for generations to come. We also call for the Administration to commit itself to the preservation of our democratic norms and values – those core values that are designed to achieve the racial, economic, and social freedoms that so many people have given their work and their lives to maintain. We pledge to continue our work for justice and look forward to opportunities to join together in achieving these common goals.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from the Friends Committee on National Legislation’s Statement on the 2024 Presidential Election:
“Loving Our Post-Election Neighbors, No Exception.
“As people of hope, we will persist in our belief that our democracy is strongest when we are all engaged with it, and with one another. We stand in solidarity with people most impacted by government policies. We affirm our commitment to building the world we seek – a world free of war and the threat of war, with justice and equity for all, where every person’s potential may be fulfilled, and where our precious Earth is restored.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt of the National Network to End Domestic Violence’s Statement on the 2024 Election Results:
“Today and every day, we are in solidarity with our member coalitions, advocates, survivors, and their loved ones. We welcome you to join us. Survivors of color (especially Black survivors), survivors in the LGBTQ+ community (especially transgender survivors), immigrant survivors, unhoused survivors, survivors with disabilities, and survivors living at these and other intersections deserve to be safe. NNEDV remains steadfast in our work to center these and all survivors, to work across the aisle and at every level of government, in order to create a better world, free from violence in all of its forms, for survivors and for all of us.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from Families USA’s Statement on the 2024 Presidential Election:
“If President Trump is serious about improving affordability in health care, we stand ready and willing to work to advance a bipartisan affordability agenda, much of which is currently pending in Congress. During President Trump’s first term, Families USA worked with his administration and bipartisan leaders in Congress to secure significant wins for patients by taking action to stop surprise medical bills and improve hospital price transparency. We intend to keep working with Congress and this new administration on these and other priorities that improve health care and lower costs for our nation’s families.”
Read the full statement here.
An excerpt from The Arc’s Statement on Outcome of Election and Path Forward for People with Disabilities and Their Families:
“With the election of President Trump and a new Congress, The Arc of the United States will continue to partner with all elected officials, advocating and educating that disability is a part of our shared human experience—one that touches every family, every community, and every generation regardless of political party. When people with disabilities have the support they need to live, learn, work, and participate fully in their communities, all Americans benefit.
We have work to do—and The Arc will never stop advocating for the policies that people with disabilities need to thrive.”
Read the full statement here.
And lastly, an excerpt from CHN’s Executive Director- Deborah Weinstein‘s statement:
“We have stood together through times of threat and times of possibility. Each of us has something important to contribute, and something we can learn to do our work better. CHN is already at work with many great organizations to build the way to respond. Next week our Wednesday morning meeting will go into detail about how to maximize outcomes in the lame duck session – with the election results, this end-of-year work becomes even more important. And we’ll do a bigger community-wide post-election webinar during the week of November 18 – watch this space for details.
Please – stick with us. Strengthen us with your ideas and your voice. A lot of people, whether they know it or not, are depending on our continued work.”
Read the full statement here.