Congress is days away from a government shutdown. Tell them to get to work.
Congress needs to hear from you. We must raise our voices loud and clear and say no to government shutdown and no to cuts.
After September 30, parts of the federal government will shut down if Congress does not approve FY 2016 funding. They may be ensnarled enough in divisive politics to be unable to prevent a shutdown for a few days or more. Your members of Congress need to hear your dismay that needed services might be disrupted. But that’s setting too low a bar: Yes, of course government needs to stay open. But urgently, Congress must stop cuts and invest in the services people need.
Congress will take up a short-term spending bill in the next few days. It may fail over one or more policy riders that should not be entangled in efforts to continue government services. If the stop-gap bill passes, it will keep sequester cuts going through December 11. That’s not what we need. Please tell your Representative and Senators to stop domestic sequester cuts and to pass a real spending plan that allows investment in services – like Head Start and other early childhood programs, public health, housing, job training, nutrition assistance, and lots more.
Take action with CHN and email your Representative and Senators using this link.
Next, take action on social media by sharing the link to email Congress, tweeting at lawmakers, and posting on their Facebook pages.
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Congress is days away from a #governmentshutdown. Tell them to get to work: http://ow.ly/Sz9jN@CoalitiononHN
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Congress is days away from a #governmentshutdown. Tell them to get to work: http://t.co/wGuEKIs95r
— CoalitiononHumanNeed (@CoalitiononHN) September 23, 2015