Help Protect Social Security and Disability Insurance
Yesterday we joined with the Center for American Progress, Social Security Works, and organizations and individuals from around the country for a Twitterstorm telling Congress to save Social Security and the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Trust Fund. Below is what some of you had to say. Thank you for raising your voice for the millions who rely on Social Security and SSDI benefits!
Make no mistake – Social Security and SSDI are under attack:
- • On the first day of the new Congress, the House passed a rule effectively blocking Social Security from using its reserves to shore up the SSDI trust fund. Unless Congress acts to change this, the nearly 9 million Americans who qualify for disability benefits will see these benefits cut by nearly 20 percent in 2016. This reallocation of funds between Social Security’s main retirement trust fund and the disability trust fund has happened – in both directions – 11 times in the past, under both Republican and Democratic control.
- • Proposals in both the House and Senate would cut or eliminate critical benefits for people who receive both SSDI and unemployment insurance, despite the fact that those who receive both have lost a job through no fault of their own. While only a small percentage of Americans receive both SSDI and unemployment insurance at the same time and the benefits are modest, these benefits are essential to helping disabled workers and their families in the event of a job loss.
We need to keep up the drumbeat.
Over the next few weeks, Representatives and Senators need to hear from you about why cutting Social Security and disability benefits is not the answer. Add your voice by retweeting the tweets below or creating your own. You can also check out graphics (here, here, here and here) that can be shared as well.
#socialsecurity #ssdi pic.twitter.com/FDPtiN5ZLp
— Generations United (@GensUnited) February 25, 2015
Want to combat #inequality? Increase #SocialSecurity benefits. http://t.co/AYnAEBWnT4 #p2 #expandsocialsecurity http://t.co/r8w90cKXYt
— SocialSecurityWorks (@SSWorks) February 25, 2015
More than half of disabled workers receiving #SocialSecurity would live in poverty without their earned benefits #OneSocialSecurity
— Xavier Becerra (@AGBecerra) February 25, 2015
#SocialSecurity is too important to be held hostage for congressional politicking | My statement on W&M hearing http://t.co/zjCjpa6wci #1u
— Rebecca Vallas (@rebeccavallas) February 25, 2015
If richest paid the same rate as the rest of us, #SocialSecurity would have $1.1T more today http://t.co/xYaQ4zQNqg via @amprog #ScraptheCap
— CEPR (@ceprdc) February 25, 2015
The phony crisis in #SocialSecurity Disability Insurance — and other things women should know about SSDI: http://t.co/Vcu1Zfr7jC
— NWLC (@nwlc) February 25, 2015
#SocialSecurity is more than a retirement program. #Disability Insurance is an essential part: http://t.co/FjbVGlOxFr pic.twitter.com/ASV2AqELIp
— Center on Budget (@CenterOnBudget) February 24, 2015
#SocialSecurity #Disability Insurance protects millions of Americans from #poverty & hardship http://t.co/11ajz3CYuw pic.twitter.com/0L9vlRSOIW
— TalkPoverty.org (@TalkPoverty) February 25, 2015
We need to protect & strengthen #SocialSecurity – not cut #SSDI benefits for Americans in need.
— Sen. Tammy Baldwin (@SenatorBaldwin) February 25, 2015
Don't believe the divisive rhetoric – our #SocialSecurity system is critical for both retired and disabled Americans http://t.co/Kb2BA06QnB
— Coalition on Human Needs (@CoalitionHN) February 25, 2015
#SocialSecurity = a lifeline for 11 million #SSDI beneficiaries +165M workers who pay into Social Security today & may need benefits one day
— The Arc (@TheArcUS) February 25, 2015
Without #SocialSecurity, income inequality would be even worse for seniors http://t.co/8wpYdCR7xV via @truthout #p2
— Community Change Action (@CommChangeAct) February 25, 2015