Keep Raising Your Voice with #StopTheCuts
Yesterday we partnered with MomsRising.org, MoveOn.org and more than 20 other organizations for a Twitterstorm telling Congress to #StopTheCuts to critical human needs programs in the 2016 budget. With your help and action we got #StopTheCuts trending in DC on Twitter! From the benefits of SNAP to the need for more housing vouchers, below is what some of you had to say. Thank you for raising your voice for human needs!
Now is not the time to stop though. Over the next few weeks Representatives and Senators need to hear from you about the programs that work and the hardworking people and families affected by cuts in funding. Keep it up with #StopTheCuts and tell Congress that we need a 2016 budget that works for all, not just corporations and the wealthy few. Click here for sample tweets, graphics, and facts to share.
To learn more about the budget process and what we are up against this year check out our recent webinar. And stay tuned for a special edition of CHN’s Human Needs Report focused on how the President’s budget request (released this Monday) affects programs and services that work to lift people out of poverty.
Grateful to #talkpoverty TODAY with @CoalitiononHN, @FCNLBudget, @MomsRising + more. #Congress #StopTheCuts. Social spending #CutsHurt!
— MoveOn (@MoveOn) February 3, 2015
Most Americans support spending on federal programs that help families in need. #StopTheCuts #CutsHurt pic.twitter.com/837246qYHJ
— National Priorities (@natpriorities) February 3, 2015
Don't forget to check out our thoughts (& add your own!) on @barackobama's budget http://t.co/EHJwNPHYFi #StoptheCuts #CutsHurt #TalkPoverty
— MomsRising (@MomsRising) February 3, 2015
.@HouseGOP + @SenateGOP: We're talking to you. #StoptheCuts #CutsHurt. We want a budget that works for all Americans. pic.twitter.com/icGKRSqRkm
— MoveOn (@MoveOn) February 3, 2015
Yes @MoveOn! @HouseGOP @SenateGOP we're looking at you…it's time for a #FY16 budget that works for more than the wealthy few #StopTheCuts
— Coalition on Human Needs (@CoalitionHN) February 3, 2015
#SNAP benefits lift the incomes of 3.7m Americans above the poverty line #talkpoverty #StopTheCuts – @nwlc pic.twitter.com/i65BjLSBei
— Kate Gallagher Robbins (@kfgrobbins) February 3, 2015
#PaidLeave reduces the gender #wagegap & ensures all #FamiliesSucceed. Now POTUS' budget gives #paidleave initiatives a boost! #StoptheCuts
— MomsRising (@MomsRising) February 3, 2015
Congress must invest in programs like SNAP that keep people out of poverty #CutsHurt #StopTheCuts http://t.co/IcSPxqnZPR
— NASW (@nasw) February 3, 2015
We need more investments, not less, in programs that keep even more people out of #poverty #StopTheCuts in #FY2016 pic.twitter.com/zDrWF2jmEk
— UnidosUS_Econ (@UnidosUS_Econ) February 3, 2015
Housing instability limits opportunity. Restore voucher funding so those eligible are not left waiting! #StopTheCuts
— NLCHP (@NLCHPhomeless) February 3, 2015
In 2013, 3.7 million were lifted out of poverty by SNAP. Let's #stopthecuts that hurt this progress: http://t.co/Nl2JajWGJv
— RESULTS (@RESULTS_Tweets) February 4, 2015
W/ 1/2 of $ we spend on ONE corp tax break, we could provide 1MIL low-income Americans w healthcare for 10 yrs #StopTheCuts @natpriorities
— FCNL Budget (@FCNLBudget) February 4, 2015
We need a 2016 budget that works for ALL, not just corporations and the wealthy. #StopTheCuts
— Kerry Desjardins (@kerrytweetze) February 4, 2015
.@HouseGOP we need *more* smart investment in our communities. Not less. #CutsHurt #StopTheCuts #TalkPoverty pic.twitter.com/1ausxdYkSN
— MoveOn (@MoveOn) February 3, 2015
MT @FCNLBudget: It's never been a question of money, but of #priorities — #StopTheCuts in #FY2016 pic.twitter.com/h2aOolzSSZ
— Community Change (@communitychange) February 4, 2015
Tell Congress: #EndChildPoverty #StoptheCuts #TalkPoverty #BeCarefulWhatYouCut http://t.co/F8p3oRxYK4 pic.twitter.com/7kaNJ8EQSg
— ChildrensDefenseFund (@ChildDefender) February 3, 2015
Continued cuts to human needs programs are bad for America, our economy #TalkPoverty #CutsHurt #StoptheCuts in #FY2016 #pwnspeaks
— PWN-USA (@uspwn) February 3, 2015
#EndChildPoverty #StoptheCuts #TalkPoverty #BeCarefulWhatYouCut #CutsHurt http://t.co/F8p3oRxYK4 pic.twitter.com/OTj4jVpd2B
— ChildrensDefenseFund (@ChildDefender) February 3, 2015
Over 23 million seniors are economically insecure. They shouldn't have to choose between medications, food, or heat. #StopTheCuts
— NCOA (@NCOAging) February 3, 2015
.@RepTomPrice: It would only take 2% of the federal #budget to reduce child #poverty by 60% http://t.co/OHSLRYfq2F #CutsHurt @ChildDefender
— Coalition on Human Needs (@CoalitionHN) February 3, 2015
Continued cuts to human needs/social services programs are bad for America, our economy #StopTheCuts #TalkPoverty #CutsHurt
— Judith P. Chavis (@judypc) February 3, 2015
RT if OUTRAGED: 1st time in 50yrs, maj. US public school stdnts in #poverty @GOPHouse http://t.co/w18wgBeuJX pic.twitter.com/S0HyAQ5p3Y
— MoveOn (@MoveOn) February 3, 2015
FACT: Since FY2010, 136 important human needs programs were cut, 51 by more than 15% #CutsHurt #FY2016 #StopTheCuts pic.twitter.com/yCEZjYwEf4
— The National Women's Health Network (@TheNWHN) February 3, 2015
Congress must maintain the fed. government's vital role in K-12 education, promote equity & preserve accountability #StopTheCuts #Education
— Nat'l Urban League (@NatUrbanLeague) February 3, 2015
Federal rental assistance is effective, lifts millions out of poverty. @RepTomPrice #StopTheCuts #CutsHurt #FY2016
— NLCHP (@NLCHPhomeless) February 3, 2015
Investments in #earlylearning are investments in our children’s’ future. #StoptheCuts #FY2016 #budget. http://t.co/1S6fQraJPP #CutsHurt
— MomsRising (@MomsRising) February 3, 2015
It's a question of #priorities —#StopTheCuts #FY2016 pic.twitter.com/OYxP1uLEQH
— FCNL Budget (@FCNLBudget) February 3, 2015
TY @BarackObama for budgeting 95 million for returning citizens reintegration programs. @CoalitiononHN #stopthecuts @CCE_for_DC @UDCLaw
— Kelly Wilkins (@revkels) February 3, 2015
#Congress needs to pass tax legislation that helps ALL families. Write Congress: http://t.co/Gqj0Gec7AC #EITC #CTC #StoptheCuts #CutsHurt
— MomsRising (@MomsRising) February 3, 2015
45.3 mil Americans live in #poverty. Tell Congress cuts to human needs are bad for America, our economy #CutsHurt #StopTheCuts
— SecondHarvest LV (@SHFBLV) February 3, 2015
5.3 million children were lifted out of poverty by #EITC and #CTC in 2012. #CutsHurt this progress. #TalkPoverty #StoptheCuts #CutsHurt
— MomsRising (@MomsRising) February 3, 2015
President Obama's budget laid out pro-family policies paid for with reasonable revenues. Congress should follow suit. #StopTheCuts
— NETWORK (@NETWORKLobby) February 3, 2015