Millionaire explains how House tax cut bill would cut his taxes in half
The House tax cut bill will slash taxes on the wealthy at the expense of human needs programs. Just ask millionaire Eric Schoenberg. Check out this great video below in which Eric, a member of Patriotic Millionaires, explains to Fox Business host Stuart Varney how the House tax cut bill will cut his taxes – and the taxes of other millionaires – in half.
Then take action. The House will vote on their horrible tax plan the week of Nov. 13. Tell your members of Congress – via email, phone, Twitter, or in person – to vote no on this massive give-away to the rich, which will be paid for by cuts to programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, education, SNAP, housing, job training low-income tax credits, and so many others that help struggling families make ends meet.
Patriotic Millionaires a group of wealthy Americans dedicated to building a more stable, prosperous, and inclusive nation by, in part, supporting a fair tax system. They believe – like we do at CHN – that millionaires, billionaires and corporations should pay their fair share in taxes. Learn more about Patriotic Millionaires on Facebook and Twitter. For more information about the House tax bill, see CHN’s latest Human Needs Report.