Opposing Kavanaugh’s Confirmation
“[Judge Kavanaugh’s] opinions threaten people across the economic spectrum, but their consequences will fall especially heavily on the poor and near poor, communities of color, immigrants, and people with disabilities.”
CHN doesn’t usually work on judicial appointments. But we’ve looked at Judge Kavanaugh’s record and have concluded his positions pose a very serious threat to the interests of low-income people and to the services they need. If confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court, his vote could form majority opinions limiting help to people in need, and for decades to come.
That’s why we feel groups like ours must take a stand. And that’s why CHN is circulating a letter (from which the above quote is taken) to be signed by national-scope organizations in opposition to the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
We’re urging national-scope organizations to read and sign our letter here before COB Thursday, Sept. 6 (the form to sign on follows the actual text of the letter). We’ll deliver the letter to all U.S. Senators on Friday, Sept. 7, just days after Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing begins on Sept. 4.
Whether it’s defending health care, the rights of people with disabilities, or consumers, workers and voters, Judge Kavanaugh’s public record available thus far reflects a troubling pattern of repeated rulings against the interests of ordinary people. We must speak out.
You can read the entire letter here. If you represent a national organization, we hope you’ll join us in taking action to oppose the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh.