Outcomes: programs that work for human needs
As supporters of human needs programs, we know federal programs are essential and effective tools in the fight against poverty and inequality. Now we have new advocacy tools that help you show just how essential and effective these programs are: announcing CHN’s new Outcomes fact sheets.
CHN’s new Outcomes sheets compile research and resources on a number of federal programs, starting with child care assistance, low-income tax credits, SNAP, Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance. Each sheet gives a brief background on the program, shows who benefits, covers the problems (like lack of funding), and then highlights proven good outcomes from the program. Many of these outcomes feature research done by CHN members, and we’re thankful for these contributions. Fact sheets on Head Start and housing programs will be added in the future.
We know federal anti-poverty programs lift millions of people out of poverty every year and are critically important to vulnerable populations across the country. But many of our strongest programs continue to be threatened by cuts or by stagnant funding unable to keep pace with rising costs and high demand. While those directly affected by these programs know from first-hand experience the positive impact they can make, others often depend on quantifiable evidence in order to fully understand what these programs can do on a broader scale. When advocating in favor of our most effective human needs programs, it is essential that we use the strongest available data in order to demonstrate outcomes in concrete terms.
The new CHN Outcomes fact sheets provide you with the information you need to make a strong case in support of these programs. Please feel free to use and distribute these Outcomes sheets as you see fit in order to aid your human needs advocacy efforts. We hope to add sheets on even more additional programs in the future, so be sure to check out the landing page often.
Have feedback on the sheets? Share it with us, and tell us how you might use the sheets, by leaving a comment below or by emailing me at limbery@chn.org. Thanks, and happy advocating!