Archives: Voices

13 Reasons Why We Do the Work We Do Together

The CHN office is always a flurry of activity. With a small staff and so much to do to protect and expand programs that help our low-income neighbors, there’s no time to sit still. This week is even busier as we take care of final preparations for our Human Needs…

An Open Letter to Members of Congress

Editor’s note: The following challenge to Congress originally appeared in the Huffington Post on Wednesday, July 13. Our nation cries out for leadership. We need you to lead and heal now by acting to remedy wrongs and prevent harm visited disproportionately on communities of color. There are meaningful steps you…

A Wake-up Call for White Progressives

Editor’s note: In light of recent events in Minnesota, Baton Rouge, and Dallas, and subsequent protests across the country, CHN is urging Congress to take action on a number of human needs issues important to communities of color before members break for their summer recess. You can join our call…

Meanwhile…the mosquitoes are breeding.

If you read CHN’s latest Human Needs Report, posted earlier this week, you know that Congress continues to squabble over funding for the Zika virus. They left for the fourth of July recess without approving additional funds.  And, thanks to an in-depth article that appeared Sunday in the Washington Post,…

Resources from Around the Coalition Special Edition: What Works—and What Doesn’t—to Reduce Poverty and Expand Opportunity

As you’ve (hopefully) heard by now, CHN held a June 16th briefing on Capitol Hill entitled “What Works—and What Doesn’t—to Reduce Poverty and Expand Opportunity.” The briefing included experts from a wide range of organizations working to combat poverty and featured remarks from House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. This week, we…

Paul Ryan’s anti-poverty plan: ‘Better lipstick. Same pig.’

Editor’s note: Earlier this month, we discussed CHN’s June 16 event, What Works – And What Doesn’t – To Reduce Poverty and Expand Opportunity. As part of that event, Melissa Boteach, vice president of the Poverty to Prosperity Program at the Center for American Progress, delivered a presentation on House Speaker…

Human Needs Report: Gun Control, Immigration, TANF and More

CHN just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report, our regular newsletter on national policy issues affecting low-income and vulnerable populations. This edition includes articles on appropriations and gun control, the Supreme Court Decision on immigration, Zika, TANF, the latest House GOP proposals, and more. See below for the full analysis and links to each piece…

House Dems and Gun Control: How You Can Help

As we noted in this blog post last night, House Democrats began a “sit-in” yesterday on the House floor, imploring House leaders to vote to end the loopholes that prevent background checks for gun sales at gun shows or online and to allow gun sales to be denied to those…

Leadership on the House Floor

Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) went to the well of the House of Representatives today and asked colleagues to join him. His impassioned message: “What will finally make Congress do what is right” to reduce gun violence? “We can no longer be patient,” he said. And so he and many other…

Announcing: The CHN Human Needs Heroes of the Year

On Tuesday, July 19, the Coalition on Human Needs will host our Human Needs Hero reception.  This is our only fundraiser of the year and your support enables CHN to provide resources such as the Voices for Human Needs blog you are reading right now. Voices for Human Needs features…