Archives: Voices

Congress is days away from a government shutdown. Tell them to get to work.

Congress needs to hear from you. We must raise our voices loud and clear and say no to government shutdown and no to cuts. After September 30, parts of the federal government will shut down if Congress does not approve FY 2016 funding. They may be ensnarled enough in divisive…

Nuns on the Bus – Bridging the Divides and Transforming Politics

The two-week, 2000-mile, 7-state Nuns on the Bus (NOTB) trip leading up to Pope Francis’ arrival in the United States is, in essence, a listening tour with the goal of bridging what divides us and transforming politics in the process. For those of us privileged to be on the bus it…

Unshared Recovery: 46 Million Poor; Poverty Rate Unchanged

Below is the statement by Deborah Weinstein, CHN’s executive director, on the new poverty data released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. We’ve also included tweets to share and our First Look at the data, which shows that economic recovery since the end of the Great Recession has been unshared. Unshared Recovery:  46 Million…

#FoodFri Tweetchat 9/18: How do hunger & poverty data relate to upcoming budget fight?

This Friday join MomsRising, Coalition for Human Needs, and National Women’s Law Center  for a #FoodFri Tweetchat from 1-2pm ET. During this tweetchat we will be discussing the 2014 USDA hunger data, as well as the newly released Census data on poverty and healthcare, and how it relates to the upcoming budget…

Low-Wage Workers See Largest Drop in Real Wages

Today’s jobs report saw unemployment fall again, down to 5.1 percent. While that’s great, it doesn’t say enough about the losses workers have been taking for far too long. Just in time for Labor Day, a new report from the National Employment Law Project shows that, after taking inflation into…

Help Millions of Workers Get the Overtime Pay They Deserve

Millions of workers across America are working longer hours without getting paid for them, thanks to an outdated regulation. Last month, we highlighted a Department of Labor proposal to fix the overtime rule and ensure that an exemption meant for highly-paid white-collar employees no longer hurts low- and middle-income earners….

Poverty in America: Get the facts and learn how to use the newest Census Bureau data

There is increasing recognition that poverty is stubborn, entrenched, and damaging. There is also a growing body of evidence  about what works to reduce poverty. Get ready for the September 16 and 17 release of Census Poverty data with CHN’s annual webinar training. Join expert Jared Bernstein, former Chief Economist and Economic…